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Thanks for the input Rinswind, I know I need to learn a lot more about CSS, and I pretty much winged it, which is probably very obvious. I wasn't aware that you could set one class and then apply that to < p > and < div > or < span > or anything. That is good to know. I still want to get my color scheme looking good and I will look into fixing up the ramblings page, but as far as the technical CSS stuff, I will save that for another day. Thanks though for your time and for helping me to better understand this. And Black Hat. Thanks also for the info on validating. I didn't think to check that. It's pretty close to validating, and everything seems to work. I may get rid of that center tag on my main page, but I did that for DL-44 since I know how much he hates it. ;) [url]jeff-nolan.com[/url]
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