WebShaman said:No Ram, that is clearly wrong. In a case like this one, irregardless of
the why, etc, such does need to get out, and aired.
Even at the expense of the enemy using it to turn more Arabs against us westerners by, again, letting them dismantle it and and show it without perspective or in proper context? I'm not so sure about that, especially when it is sure to cause more bloodshed in the future.
That would be like journalists in WWII photographing or filming allied soldiers commiting executions of German soldiers, which you must know happened, and then handing it over to Joseph Goebbels for him to spin to his will. He would not have shown it honestly or subjectively and neither did they. Is the life of one terrorist insurgent, even if shot unjustly, worth the lives of the many on both sides who could lose their lives in the future by the hate it, and other similar isolated incidents, generate?
I don't know about you, but I believe we are fighting a war of information with words and pictures as well as a war on the ground with human lives, and that facet is just as important, if not moreso in some respects. The more conflicting propaganda that is created, the more irrational and widespread the hate grows, and the longer this thing will be drawn out. Whether you agree with us being in Iraq or not doesn't matter. The fact is that we are there and now must finish what has been started. We cannot bail out on the majority of Iraqis who want democracy and freedom, not now. Civil war which would surely arise if we left. Without any outside interaction at this point Iraq would probably in my guess end up as a terrorist state.
Saddam had planned for this, he set them up in case he fell, and somebody just like him, if not worse would come to power. Another 10-15 years and we are at war again.
The truth is one thing, but there must be discretion with small incidents such as this. Handle it internally and do not hand it over to the enemy so they can cause an uproar which incites more violence.
The media, on both sides, is the main propagator of hate in modern wars, this I believe.
The best way to get our soldiers home and let the Iraqis get on with rebuilding their nation and culturing their own unique version of democracy into prosperity, which after viewing 'Voices of Iraq,' reading over many of their blogs, and even chatting with a few of them, I believe they are very capable of doing, is to let the soldiers fight the war without demoralizing, judging and incriminating them at every turn. You must realize that as a whole, the majority of the men and women serving in the military are good people. We do not execute women, saw off heads and broadcast those videos to the Internet, use false surrenders for surprise attacks, booby trap our dead and injured, set car bombs which always kill more Iraqis than infidels, or fight from Mosques, and the fact that such a big outcry is made over one dead terrorist is wrong. One less threat to the future of Iraq in my opinion. One less potential car bomb being set. One less Iraqi child dying.
I even heard that some in the Muslim world, mainly Sunnis, were outraged that our soldiers had the nerve to go into a Mosque armed and wearing dirty boots. Do they realize what those people fighting in their name are doing to their supposed sacred holy shrines, using them as battle positions, hideouts and weapons stashes, slaughterhouses, or do they not care? We have gone out of our way in many cases taking care in not damaging such structures, seems we have more respect for their Mosques than they do.
Is it just the fact that we are infidels to them and not wothy of entrance? Could it be that they believe they are still fighting a war that happened centuries ago? A reiguous war of Mulims vs. Non-Muslims. Or do they just not know? If not then there is a major need for balance in their media sources if the hate is ever to stop. If they do know of all these things then in my opinion any outrage from them is sheer hypocrisy and only shows their true colors, that they believe we are inferior to them.
War is a dirty business as I am sure you know, not a game as some in the media today seem to believe. A game to see if I can get the biggest scoop of the year without regard to the consequences. It is just not right.
Don't get me wrong, scandals like Abu Graib need to come out because of the possible implications, and it was clearly wrong, however damaging that is the hit we take because we screwed up. This event concerning the Marine is not clear and his actions are that of a soldier in a war fearful for his safety and questionable at best.
Without threat of being caught, an atmosphere for warcrimes is easily fostered (re: Vietnam).
re: Vietnam and every other war ever fought in the entire history of mankind. War is war and bad incidents will happen when humans are given guns and put in horribly stressful and dangerous circumstances. We must trust that we are morally capable of handling ourselves in a primarily just way. Mistakes will be made, scandals will occur, nobody ever said war brought out the best in people. In the end though, it is not for the media to be the judge.
In any case, how far do you go with war crimes as far as Vietnam is concerned? Do you believe they were isolated incidents which were focused on intensely or do you believe to the extent of John Kerry who came home claiming all our soldiers were war criminals. Thus causing them to be called baby killers and spat on when they returned home from risking their lives in serving their nation? Not trying to be a smart ass, but just trying to see what perspective you are using that example from so I can sense to what degreee of impact your statement is supposed to make with me.
Another thing about Vietnam is many soldiers were drafteees who didn't even want to be there, also a cause of misdeeds in Vietnam. If you are put in a warzone against your will you are damn well going to take out some of those negative feelings on sombody.
That is particularly repugnant from you.
Aww, gee thanks. I thought everything coming from me was repugnant to you though.

Note that the reporter in question is risking his life reporting this.
For his undying loyalty to the truth no doubt. So, what? Am I suppposed to "feel" for him. I acknowledged this fact anyway. Why is he reporting it though? For the chance to gain fame and fortune and a contract with Time magazine in the future? It is his job, he is an independent jounalist, and the better and more moving the footage the more he makes. That is the bottom line, if it were simply about the reporter's oath to the truth, which is laughable these days anyway, he might have a conscience inside which would make him consider the consequences of what he was about to unleash.
The reporter in question did not create, or cause the situation - he just filmed it. Also, it is not clear if he found out after the fact or not, that the men in the mosque were detainees.
So far, his blog is the only place that mentions anything about these men being detainees. That one is still up for grabs IMO. You need to be more objective here.
In his blog he also says that many of our men have died in this "protracted war of attrition" which only further makes me question his intentions. This war is young, so protracted does not apply just yet. And are we being worn down? I think not. How many died on D-Day? In operation Market-Garden? Hardly comparitive to this short and probably most sensitive and cautious wars ever fought. The only thing that has been worn down is the backnone of the media and those enslaved to it's constant negative reports demonizing the effort to free an enslaved people.
You need to be more objective here.
This coming from a guy who posts articles from Alternet. Hmm. 
You need to keep in mind, that we wanted to "capture the hearts and minds" of the iraqi people, that this is important - otherwise, we will never succeed there.
Which proves my point as to why in some cases, especilly one like this, discretion must be used in what we release to the enemy propagandists and rabid anti-war activists. I don't want to see these guys come home to anything even remotely close to what they had to go through on returning from Vietnam. You've been in a war. How would it have felt to come home and have some idiot spit on you because they believed ignorant lies and generalizations?
Falluja is proving that this may be impossible to do. With each "step" we take down that slippery slope of
immorality (if you so will), we extend the distance between us and the iraqis and thus, our ultimate goal, of bringing "democracy" to them!
Ah yes, the old slippery slope of immorality and quotes around democracy, once again showing your true opinion of our intentions. You obviously want the US to be the bad guys in this making statments like that.
I believe that many Iraqis are just like you and I, they want to live their lives in peace. Many of them don't like us being there, and who can blame them. Nobody wants to be occupied, regardless of the fact that we toppled their dicator, but they are not going to take up arms against us because they also realize that without us there at this point their future chances at democracy and freedom to be an individual would be very bleak. The majority of the fighters are Saddam era loyalists, Islamofacists who are hanging on to a distorted view of their religion, with a few foreigners thrown in for good measure. The common folk just want peace, security and future prosperity. They are learning what democracy means, and if these idiots who do not speak for the majority of Iraqis yet fight in their name would stop resisting, the sooner they can have that democracy; peace, security and prosperity included.
And what about Fallujah is proving anything but that we kicked the insurgents asses, aquired a very large stockpile of their weaponry from the many Mosques and other weapons caches, bomb making labs, uncovered houses where people had been tortured, and a chemical lab. Oh, because some left Fallujah while we twiddled our thumbs for 5 months and set off a few car bombs in Baghdad and took over a couple police stations in Mosul? Come on, Zarqawi released an Internet video just last week pleading for more fighters to come help with his cause, obviously a sign that the insurgency is weakening.
Also, such comments as "he should have said something" are really out of place. The reporter is in a combat zone. You don't tell those who are doing the fighting, especially soldiers, what they are supposed to do, in a "threat" situation, where time is short and can be deciding.
I never said anything about him telling them what to do, just telling them what he knew.
You don't want to be considered an enemy.
Unfortunately for him he is now. Not from me, I chalk it up as poor judgment. But I am sure there are many out there who feel quite a bit differently. I know you think I am right wing, and you are primarily correct, but I am hardly comparitive to the likes of some of the talking heads out there calling for this guy's head. He has already recieved numerous death threats, unfortunate but expected in todays climate.
A reporter also doesn't have any rank type of functions. He/she can't give orders to soldiers, and should try to remain as little distraction as possible in combat areas.
Orders again. Who said anything about him giving orders? Just tell them what he knew to help expedite the situation.
This cameraman did the right thing - he shouldn't be trying to "second guess" what the soldiers are doing, or
trying to evaluate their actions - he should just film what there is to film, and do his job. And that is what he did.
In his blog he clearly second-guesses, evaluates and even takes on a rather judgmental tone.
(Edited by Ramasax on 12-04-2004 08:48)
(Edited by Ramasax on 12-04-2004 09:00)