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Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 12-03-2004 05:27

Im getting puzzled over how to make an image of my HD using Norton Ghost 2003\4. The GUI is completly confusing and all I want to simply do is create a backup image for any future computer disasters and then be able to implement it at a later stage if need be. Perhaps Ive missed something real obvious, Ive looked around a bit but still none the wiser.

Thank you to anyone can help.

"You know you have been doing 3d too long when you walk into a church and think, "God, the polycount of this place must be huge!"

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Darwin, NT, Australia
Insane since: Dec 2003

posted posted 12-03-2004 06:02

Hi Luxo, I've just been there not long ago and got lot's of help from fellow inmates. I can't seem to locate the previous topic but I well remember that, for me anyway, the devil was in the option settings. I had some bad blocks on my H/D but you can change the option settings to get around all sorts of things like that. If you can give us a bit more of a clue as to where you're hitting the wall, might be able to help

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Manitoba, Canada
Insane since: Oct 2001

posted posted 12-03-2004 19:19

It sounds like you want to do a partition to image or disk to image.

So here is a brain dump on what I remember from doing mine.
Once you have Ghost boot disk created, my version has a wizard on the start menu to get you started on this. It basicaly creates a bootable floppy disk with a copy of ghost.exe(I think tht the right file name) on it.

Boot from the disk, might need to run ghost.exe, and then expande the Create Image->from Disk(or partition)-> To Image.

You cannot write the image to the same disk/partition that you are making the image of. So if you have only one partition I think that you can make a copy directly to a CD-R/RW, don't know how to myself.

Any help?

Eagles may fly high, but beavers don't get sucked into jet engines.
tj333- the semi-Christ

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 12-11-2004 07:47

Yeah guys, thanks alot for the help. Pretty confidant now so Ill give it a whizz. Thanks again lan and tj333.

"You know you have been doing 3d too long when you walk into a church and think, "God, the polycount of this place must be huge!"

Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted

Insane since: Jan 2005

posted posted 01-04-2005 16:07

Ok I just created a ghost image of 98se but it is too big for a 700 mb cd. HOw can I creat a ghost image so that I can burn it to cd,even if it takes 4 cds.The image has everything I need. I want to be able to use the ghost image to do other pc's quickly but I need to have a comple image. Can you shyow me what to do so I can use my ghost with 2 or 3 cds so it will install everything that is on the ghost image.I need to do the same for windows 2000 and xp(with all its updates).I want to make them for regular cds first, then dvd for xp.So if you can please give me all the direction I need is very important that I get this done as soon as possible.

The image is just one big 1 gig image and I need to make it 2 so that 650 mb each or 690 for each.Hope you follow what I need. Plese help me!!!?

I want to make ghost image with all the windows updates and software that want on it.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Manitoba, Canada
Insane since: Oct 2001

posted posted 01-04-2005 17:57

I have not done this myself so all I can provide is some links:

How to split

How to burn to CD

Eagles get sucked into jet engines and weasels are oft maligned, but beavers just make nice hats.
tj333- the semi-Christ

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