...or "The Hell CPrompt had to deal with".
Here is the deal. Our hosting services servers were attacked by a DOS. So the website was either down, not working right or something all day long. Real bad for a company who's main income comes from the website. The deal was that the website as in http://www.mywebsite.com would not show up, however, https://www.mywebsite.com would. So, I tried to redirect the site to the secure server and never could figure out what to do.
So here is what I tried:
Tried to FTP into the site and do some simple redirects (PHP and JavaScript). I had high doubts that this would work, but start with the most simple method first. Of course, that didn't work. Next, I tried to do an .htaccess redirect. This may have worked if I could have uploaded a .htaccess file. Couldn't do it. Not real sure why that is.
I don't have SSH ability with their server. So telneting was out.
I was going to go in and redirect everything from the DNS server to the secure site, but that usually takes 6-8hrs to propogate, and they assured me (oh...I assure you) that it would be back up before then.
So, I ask you. Is there anything else that I could have done to redirect to the secure server?
Thanks in advance!