The one thing that strikes me about all of these is that they are all.......waiting for something.
They are all on the verge of jumping up and saying something. But...they've either forgotten what it was they were going to say, or unsure which way to jump...
It seems as though you are afraid to commit to your ideas. You have *great* ideas, but they seem a little held back. They all seem kind of like that deep breath when you are about to say something big, but then simply let out your breath slow and heavy and look the other way.
You have a very interesting way of presenting subjects, a good feel for making offbeat colors work, a good sense of form.
Your understanding of anatomy, while betther than the average artist of your age, needs improvement. Overall, you;ve got a grasp on things. The details tear your peices down a bit though at times.
for example -
in 'standard', the 2nd piece- the eyes are far too wide apart, the mouth too narrow, the should too low and unpronounced. getting those details worked up would be a huge improvement, and could make that piece stand out. Getting the shoulder to pop upward, and really define its edge and the subtle bumps and twists of the musculature would make a great line and help your composition immensely.
in 'orgy', there are a lot of little places where a more concise line or a more accurate curve would draw things together much tighter. The back, from neck to ass, of the left figure could really make the piece on its own with a more elegant curve reflecting the shoulder blade, the bottom of the ribcage, and the top edge of the pelvis. The breast and front edge of the pelvis could be made to compliment the backside with great effect. The middle figure needs the line defining the meeting of the abdomen and the pelvis, as well as teh line of the meeting of the thigh and pelvis more defined. The right figure is much better defined in regard to the above mentioned details. that arm is too short thogh, or bends too early. angled outward slightly, and reaching further downward, it would again be a great definining point for the composition.
In the buthcered-girl piece (my favorite of all of these), the hand in the background is very weak. Where the fingers curve around, they are in dire need of some good foreshortening. the head is obviously too large for the body, but that seems intentional and is, in this case, a plus - it works well.
Now, the butchered girl piece is, overall, great. It is the strongest peice in terms of getting its concept out there for consumption - I really love it.
And overall, stylistically speaking these pieces are all great.
Hope that helps, for starters....I'll try to get in some more