Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 02-02-2005 20:53
This scares me!
What to say...
{cell 260} {Blog}
-{ ?Computer games don?t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we?d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.? (Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989.) }-
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-02-2005 21:54
That's a pretty interesting article. I haven't heard ANYTHING about this in Germany (which frankly doesn't amaze me, with the propaganda control on the media here - it's almost as bad as the States).
I'll have to look into this more closely.
Thanks for posting it.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 02-02-2005 22:33
I can not get my head around thing. I think I am pretty open minded, but this just makes me sick. I think I have written and deleted 10 sentance trying to come up with something to respond with, but nothing I write seems to work, this just sucks.
Dan @ Code Town
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-02-2005 22:43
I've been known to loose track of a few days here and there so I had to quickly check my calendar.... and NO it is not April 1st... it is February 1St.... So I'll take it as legit... for now. But that could possibly be the most absurd thing I've heard in the last 30 plus years.
I cannot for a minute believe it would stand a court test.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the league of Professional Mop Jockeys Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 02-03-2005 03:56
Ok, this might be strange and all but I agree with that. Think about it:
1.Prostitution is going to happen whether or not it is legal.
2.If made legal it can help boost the economy through tax.
3.It can be made safe somehow maybe by requiring the um.....waitress to be screened for stds along with the man.
4.selling is legal, F7cking is legal. Why isn't selling F7cking legal!?!?!
5. Of all the things you could do to a person giving them an orgasm is one of the least horrible things i can think of.
History is nothing but a fable that has been agreed upon.
-Napolean Bonaparte
Obsessive-Compulsive (I) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 02-03-2005 04:00
What's the fuss?
In Germany it is a legal profession and well regulated, as it should be here.
Whether one calls them ho's or courtesan's, they have been with us since time immemorial and despite what the religious bigots would have us believe, there is nothing wrong with sex or the selling of it.
The marginalization of the trade is what has caused all the grief currently related to it in North America and that is directly attributable to the negative attitudes of the terminally religious.
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
Oscar Levant
(1906 - 1972)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-03-2005 04:16
quote: What's the fuss?
You are joking, really?
:::tao::: ::cell::
"Those who look for monsters should look to it that they do not become monsters.
For when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you"
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-03-2005 06:14
Hey you two back up there ^^^
Did you both understand that we are not talking about 'legalized prostitution' but rather the 'government RECRUITING AND FORCING... you into this line of trade. OK... you've convinced me... you do.
So if the same rules applied where you live and that one year period was up for your girlfriend... your wife ... your daughter ... your mother.... and presumably yourself... you're ok with that huh?
Oh.... and btw.... if you didn't notice... the sign above the door on the brothel where you both are now employed... 'Homosexuality is our speciality.'
.......and here's your boss on your first day of work...
"...Sangreal... Ehthiest.... welcome aboard fellas....couple of things you should know...... all our clients are checked out.... everybody uses a condom.....Well actually that's up to you to make sure they do...and we do of course supply the water soluble strawberry flavored lubricant ....and if you don't like strawberry..there are other flavors there...can't remember all of them .. they're coming out with so many these days...... chocolate I think.... anyway you'll find something to your liking I'm sure.
Now in this little pamphlet here.... you'll find some guidelines for the various 'parties' we offer....you know... 2 - 3 guys at the same time... it's all laid out in here... Oh... And almost forgot... we supply all the tools you might need.... the dog collars...choke chains ...ropes ... butt plugs...that sort of thing.
So boys... that about does it... Any questions??? No?... Good. See you here tomorrow at 3 o'clock sharp.... ta ta till then.
Hey Ehth....
Ya Sang?.....
I can't beleive it man.... we're actually going to get paid to give some guy an orgasism... that is just sooo cool.
So much for breast feeding in public.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 02-03-2005 06:58
So much for story time.
We are discussing a real life issue here, not some imaginary circumstance.
In Germany it is a legal trade. If the woman proves unsuited for the job, either physically or psychologically, it seems unlikely the madam would hire her.
All she had to do, it seems, is show up for the interview. Cripes, she might have been so durned unnatractive no one would avail themselves of her services.
Try to look at the issue with both eyes and at least a part of the mind open and unclouded by silly moralistic attitudes.
Gentlemen, if you don't like the concept of prostitution, I suggest you take a close look at why.
What are you afraid of?
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
Oscar Levant
(1906 - 1972)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-03-2005 08:21
Well, it is true that the woman in question could show up, and even take the job and then refuse to perform accordingly. She would of course be fired. And then she would be back where she started.
Was the woman in question here really qualified for the job? I think not. Certainly, not in any professional way, according to the article. That is something I find objectionable. The system as it is now in Germany penalizes for any job offer that is refused, irregardless of qualifications or not. And that is what I find objectionable.
After all, as was pointed out, what goes for the woman, also goes for the man. Take a homosexual brothel. Take a man that was an untrained laborer, that has been out of work for a long time. He is hetrosexual, but does he still have to take the job of homsexual prostitute?
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-03-2005 08:37
OK... One of us is missing something here.
You've made the assumption I have a problem with legalized prostitution. Wrong assumption... flat out wrong.
My views on organized religion are a known.... so... we toss out the story telling... history... good looking ugly....moralistic bla bla bla.... help me out with the basic premise...which you seem to endorse.
The basic premise of that law...correct me where I go wrong... is this.
If after one year of receiving Unemployment insurance or welfare..call it what you will...The government 'can' stop those payments if the recipient does not accept an offered job. If the recipient refuses to accept the offered job... benefits are stopped.
Agree with my take on it?
You are recieving benefits.... the owner of a gay brothel offers you a job... you say no.. gov't cuts your benefits.
Prostitution is legal. Homosexuality is not Illegal... So you couldn't reject the job... without loosing your benefits.
help me out here... Cuz I don't get it. This not an accountant taking a job as a waitress or doctor taking a job as a janitor.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-03-2005 09:43
Well, technically one can't refuse the job - but who says that one has to perform the job? One can be fired, without losing ones benefits. This is just another way of "refusing" the job, of course - but in a different way. Germans are nuts for paperwork and rules and laws. So, you got to play the game according to their rules.
Don't refuse the job - show up for the interview, and do the best possible job to discredit yourself! If that doesn't succeed, then simply refuse to do certain tasks if you get the job.
The employer will fire you, sooner or later. And then you are out of work again. As long as you didn't quit, you will not be penalized (unless it can be proven, that you caused yourself to be fired on purpose).
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-03-2005 15:15
ok... got confused with the '..fired without losing benefits...' bit.
In canada... that's not the case. Fired or quit no benefits. Lack of work Layoff and certified medical conditions are the only accepted circumstances and there are specified 'waiting periods' before Federal 'Employment Insurance' benefits kick in.
Still tho'... that german law is surely the most draconian measure introduced since the brownshirts controlled things. And just as repulsive even with the technical loophole.
btw.. my previouos post was directed at Eh.. but as I was typing you were posting. 
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 02-03-2005 16:39
Well Jive, Web gave you your answer. Also, you appear to have missed the aspect of my post which suggested the possibilioty the employer might not accept the candidate once they met. Much the same as Web suggested.
BTW, you are not the only one here who has left me with the impression of a deep-seated fear and loathing of the trade.
If I were wrong in your case, please accept my most humble apologies.
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
Oscar Levant
(1906 - 1972)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the league of Professional Mop Jockeys Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 02-03-2005 17:11
Okay before you make a further mockery of what I said.
I skimmed the article due to lack of time.
I did see the word forced in there but this is how I interpreted it:
If unemployed for a set period of time the government says get a job or lose your unemployment benefits. If there is a job you can do and is open then you must take it.
All right now you know where i was coming from.
Force prostitution is completely wrong. In my oppinion prostitution is morally wrong. I was merely stating the oppinion that there are more benefits from making it legal than making it illegal. as for points 4 and 5, niether were serious. They are both jokes taken from a comedian named George Carlin who did a routine on the subject of legalized prostitution.
Sorry for confusion and that i didn't read the whole thing as carefully as possible.
History is nothing but a fable that has been agreed upon.
-Napolean Bonaparte
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the league of Professional Mop Jockeys Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 02-03-2005 17:18
NoJive-I am sorry you apparently have some personal problem with the aforementioned trade and that I posted without all the info. But I don't appreciate you automatically assuming that since I am a guy I particpate in it and only think with sex on the brain if you ask Gideon that is rarely what makes my decisions. You also seem to think that since I am male Ii am insenstive am just defending this particular trade because i am male. Sorry if i am wrong but that is what it sounds like. And it is also customary to allow someone the chance to defend themself before you place judgement. I try to others try to you do except on this thread......
History is nothing but a fable that has been agreed upon.
-Napolean Bonaparte
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-03-2005 23:26
No, I do not, in general terms, have a problem with legalized prostitution. I do tho' have issues with many circumstances that leads someone, male or female, to prostitution which... is not what we're talking about.
And look tho' I may at my posts AND yours, I cannot for the life of me see where you think I made the assumption that you, as you say; '...participate in it...' You'll have to point that out to me.
So just to make sure we're on the same page here.
Prostitution has been legal in germany for a couple of years.
So legalization is not the issue.
A janitorial company determines the unemployed Doctor qualifies and is suitable for; and offers, the position of floor-washer to the unemployed Doctor. The Doctor refuses to accept the job. The gov't terminates the Doctor's benefits.
The owner of a brothel determines the unemployed waiter qualifies and is suitable for; and offers, the position of prostitute to the unemployed waiter. The waiter refuses to accept the job. The gov't terminates the waiters' benefits.
Now.. we know a few things. Prostitution is legal.
It is mandated in the statutes of the gov't's benefits policies legislation that: (among other things), an individual must be registered in a data bank. That data bank is available to Employers. Should that employer find a potential employee in the data bank that potential employee is notified and (a) required by law to appear before that employer for an interview. (b) required by law to accept the position if one is offered. (c)Failure to fulfill either requirement results in termination of benefits.
What about the question of suitability.
Our unemployed doctor. Knowing he's being interviewed for a janitorial position which he has no intention of accepting, the doctor goes into the interview presenting the worst possible attitude and every second word is fuck! At the end of the interview the employer says... you've got the job. Huh??? Well the employer doesn't care about the 'tude'& foul talk, the position he's looking to fill is from midnight to 4:30am and during your shift you'll never see another human being. Very suitable.
Same ugly 'tude 'n talk' from the waiter and the brothel owner says you're hired. Huh??? He has customers who like that sort of 'tude'n talk but your greatest assetts as far as the brothel owner is concerned is your ever so creamy skin and that jetblack hair. He knows his customers and he knows they'll pay big for you. You're more than suitable... You are PERFECT!
The employer decides suitability... not you.
Yes you can walk out... don't even go to the interview... '..to hell with that... I don't care about the gov't benefits..I'm outta here.
But you didn't just walk out of your own free will did ya.. Clearly you were forced out by a 'law' that was trying to force you, into a job that you beleive is morally wrong.
And in what's left of my little muddled mind I find something inherently wrong with a law that would even remotely suggest or vaguely hint that anyone consider prostitution as a means of income. And any member of any gov't endorsing and enforcing such a law has cleary suffered a critical and irrepairable brain stem injury... there's no signal there... unplug the life support and wheel'em out.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-03-2005 23:45
Heh. But the person in question can still refuse to perform the "necessary elements of the job"! No employer, regardless of that "creamy skin and jetblack hair" will keep someone on the payroll that doesn't do the required work.
"You are fired" will be the result.
And thus, it is just a rules thing here. And most of Germany's laws and rules are like this. It is maddening, surely. Germans have a law for just about everything, or a rule. Did you know that Germany uses 80% of the worlds paper? Everything in Germany is printed, and 3 times!!
But I digress.
The person in question just has to refuse to actually do the work - and they will be fired. Or they won't be fired, collect their salary, and have done nothing for it.
I do agree that the way the law is written is not only silly, but just plain stupid. I think that most Germans would agree with that, as well. But Germans are not outspoken like Americans are. They grumble a bit (in fact, they love to grumble - a German that doesn't grumble about something, is not a happy German! ) But they don't tend to gather in groups for a cause. They tend not to be loud about their beliefs and don't cause much stir with them, in comparison with Americans.
At least, that has been my experience after living here for over 11 years. As such, laws like the one in this case just get implimented. As they say here in Germany
"kannst du nichts dagegen machen"
[translate]There's nothing you can do about it[/translate]
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-04-2005 06:10
<lol> Easy for you to say...
"kannst du nichts dagegen machen"
Now here I am... my vivid imagination running this movie in my head.. seeing WS as I know him via his signature ...but wait something's wrong..where's that resonnant gentle 'Lakota'-like voice I should be hearing...aahhhhh...this spaghetti western's been dubbed in deutch!!!. What would Jay Silverheels think about this I say to myself...  ;D
Back on topic ... condense my outrage to something close to..
The 'intent' of any law is to achieve a political objective. In this case returning the 'employable' to the workforce, a seemingly reasonable even laudable but most importantly publicly well received, objective.
That in turn results in a reduction of gov't spending which, in reality, was the political objective from the outset.
You know the road to hell bit.. well in this case it's the road to the brothel that's paved with (supposed) good intentions.
Now back to our movie featuring... =)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 02-04-2005 09:56
Two things are deeply disturbing to me with this (other than it being prostitution we are talking about)
1. From the article:
quote: The government had considered making brothels an exception on moral grounds, but decided that it would be too difficult to distinguish them from bars.
Pathetic try to excuse the law!
This tells me that not only does the government know that this is a very questionable action from a moral view, but that they feel it's too much work to identify the "businesses" in question, so the do not care of the effects on the humans that are affected by the desicion... That is scary! What's next? Reinstate the death penalty and assign the position as executioner this way?
2. The next part, how about this as a yearly summary from the unemployment agency:
During 2005 we have assigned 8500 jobapplicants to the sex industry, mainly in the prostitution section, 2 of these positions has been accepted and the benefit-payments to unemployed women under 60 has been reduced with 97%. We see this as a big success for the states economy and for our politics.
It has to be something fundamentally wrong with this, no matter if you approve of legalized prostitution or not.
Personally I believe that as long as it's a consentual desicion made between 2 adults that money for sex is acceptable, fine, good for them (this does not mean that I'd like my daughter to do that for a living...).
However, most humans in that industry suffer in some way.
No one can deny that.
Not even if they went into it from free will, or if they felt forced to it, or was physically forced, that way of living does things to humans that most of us would want to avoid.
A government might legally allow prostitution, but it should never, ever encourage it or in any way force you to choose it!
{cell 260} {Blog}
-{ ?Computer games don?t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we?d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.? (Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989.) }-
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-04-2005 11:41
"assign the position as executioner this way?"
Got me laughing there... I was thinking the exact same thing; '...here's your sword....and the sharpening stone.... we're on for 2 o'clock .. you want the mask? and don't forget the dress code is black.'
I'm on a bit of a tear right now with politics at all levels.. been attending town council meetings..public hearings etc. ..running my mouth off. Letters to the editor.
We have a provincial election coming up in a few months and if this current lot of dunderheads is re-elected be assured they will cite that german bit of brilliance. Not for the job-search angle mind you...but rather the perfect example of why prostituion should not be legalized thus giving these neandertahls the excuse needed to avoid dealing with the real and related issues...economics... health... and my gawd...dare I say it. A safe place to work.. or reasonably so.
Run willy picton or picton pig farm thru google. quite a read.
The provincial gov't is doing its best to sell off our publicly owned power company... I could go on forever but when I read that item... I about lost it.
I don't know if it's a genetic disorder specific to those who seek public office... or that it matures only when they are elected but my unscientific observations thus far.. strongly indicate that.. the majority of elected officials have the ability to concentrate and think things through no longer than a fart lingers in a good wind.
All those in favor ~sniff sniff~ passed. Meeting adjourned.
Unplug the bunch of 'em
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 02-04-2005 13:57
I am honestly astonished at some of the things I am reading in this thread.
Understand: I am someone who has no problem whatsoever with prostitution in and of itself. I think Legalizing it is a good move, in that it will happen either way and its legalization can help make it safer (by providing a safe environment for the women, with less likelihood of abuse/murder/etc...).
I am in full support of the idea that someone who has lost a good job, but can get one they don't enjoy as much or consider 'lowly' needs to suck it up and move on...
But this very simply equates to the forcing of women to have sex - whether for money or no is irrelevent, or perhaps even makes it worse...
Ok, so she can go to the interview, and try to discredit herself???
So we put her in the position of having to convince people she's not a good whore???
And if they don't buy it, and she gets the job, she's then forced to be a whore, but hope to perform poorly enough to be fired???
Have you guys lost your fucking minds????

Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-04-2005 14:19
quote: I do agree that the way the law is written is not only silly, but just plain stupid. I think that most Germans would agree with that, as well.
That was my answer, basically. I find this change to the Arbeitslosigkeits (Unemployment) laws and rules to be assinine, and stupid. But I am not German. And it is up to the Germans to decide what it is, and is not. And as I said, most Germans do not think that anything they can do, will change things.
So no, I haven't lost my mind. And if it happened to me (or my family), we'd fight it with everything we got. But I'll be damned if I will try to fight something like this for someone else. Believe me, I have only really been successful once doing such here in Germany (and that wasn't against the State). The cost (both financially and psychologically) was enormous.
Against the German State, it is impossible to win in Germany. One would have to take it out of Germany altogether, and try it before the European Union court. And I am not sure, if they would accept the case.
It would probably be easier, one would think, to get it changed with a political action. Or a demonstration. Or somesuch. But Germans are not like that. They would just consider you to be foolish, and a foolish Ausländer (foreigner) to boot.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 02-04-2005 14:31
quote: Ok, so she can go to the interview, and try to discredit herself???
So we put her in the position of having to convince people she's not a good whore???
And if they don't buy it, and she gets the job, she's then forced to be a whore, but hope to perform poorly enough to be fired???
Have you guys lost your fucking minds????
Thank you DL!
quote: I don't know if it's a genetic disorder specific to those who seek public office... or that it matures only when they are elected but my unscientific observations thus far.. strongly indicate that.. the majority of elected officials have the ability to concentrate and think things through no longer than a fart lingers in a good wind.
All those in favor ~sniff sniff~ passed. Meeting adjourned.
Unplug the bunch of 'em
WS, so true, so true indeed!
Personally I tend to compare professional politicians with the kids I see in the sandbox at my youngest kids daycare:
"Look what a big pile of sand I built, [stomp] Hah, now my pile is bigger, Yeah! but my showel is blue! Take that! [snatch] Well, now the showel is mine!!! 'Bwaaahhhh he's unfair...'" you get the drift...
I really do think (yes, really) that new politicians are in fact forced to adapt to the old greycoats of the government to become more like them if they want to be heard at all... This procedure then erases all mental contact with normal life as we know it.
{cell 260} {Blog}
-{ ?Computer games don?t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we?d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.? (Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989.) }-
(Edited by DmS on 02-04-2005 14:39)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 02-04-2005 15:58
didn't read all the post but are my 2cents.
I'm totally ok with making "sexual services" legal, for all the benefits it could bring that is less organized crime, improved security, insurance and social cover for the "employees", professionnal taxes, ... But sexuality intrudes the intimacy ( to say the least ) and is at the borderline of moral convictions just like weapons ( for other reasons ). IMHO, if "sexual services" are made legal, there should be an equivalent of the conscientious objection status for them to make sure nobody is forced to do something against his/her moral convictions.
WebShaman: It is clear it should be bring to the European Court. In a way, I'm even surprise the European authorities did not consider this law that can potentialy force someone to become a ho' as an infrigement of the Human Rights.

(Edited by poi on 02-04-2005 16:16)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-04-2005 16:10
quote: quote:I don't know if it's a genetic disorder specific to those who seek public office... or that it matures only when they are elected but my unscientific observations thus far.. strongly indicate that.. the majority of elected officials have the ability to concentrate and think things through no longer than a fart lingers in a good wind.
All those in favor ~sniff sniff~ passed. Meeting adjourned.
Unplug the bunch of 'em
WS, so true, so true indeed!
Personally I tend to compare professional politicians with the kids I see in the sandbox at my youngest kids daycare:
I think NoJive said that.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 02-04-2005 17:03
Ooops... credit where credit is due 
Sorry NoJive.
{cell 260} {Blog}
-{ ?The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it.? (-Barlow, John Perry) }-
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the league of Professional Mop Jockeys Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 02-14-2005 15:01
I have another question.
Where in the law does it SPEFICALLY state that you must go to a brothel. Couldn't you go to a differant job? I garuntee that at any given time there is more than one line of work available that if it isn't so incredibly simple a four year old with a limp could do it would provide training.
Nojive- Here is were I got it from. It could be that i was having a bad day and was looking itno it way too much but you will have to realize I just type what ever comes to my brain first. and then what comes to my brain second and so on I do not bother censuring my statements.
Did you both understand that we are not talking about 'legalized prostitution' but rather the 'government RECRUITING AND FORCING... you into this line of trade. OK... you've convinced me... you do.
So if the same rules applied where you live and that one year period was up for your girlfriend... your wife ... your daughter ... your mother.... and presumably yourself... you're ok with that huh?
Oh.... and btw.... if you didn't notice... the sign above the door on the brothel where you both are now employed... 'Homosexuality is our speciality.'
.......and here's your boss on your first day of work...
"...Sangreal... Ehthiest.... welcome aboard fellas....couple of things you should know...... all our clients are checked out.... everybody uses a condom.....Well actually that's up to you to make sure they do...and we do of course supply the water soluble strawberry flavored lubricant ....and if you don't like strawberry..there are other flavors there...can't remember all of them .. they're coming out with so many these days...... chocolate I think.... anyway you'll find something to your liking I'm sure.
Now in this little pamphlet here.... you'll find some guidelines for the various 'parties' we offer....you know... 2 - 3 guys at the same time... it's all laid out in here... Oh... And almost forgot... we supply all the tools you might need.... the dog collars...choke chains ...ropes ... butt plugs...that sort of thing.
So boys... that about does it... Any questions??? No?... Good. See you here tomorrow at 3 o'clock sharp.... ta ta till then.
Hey Ehth....
Ya Sang?.....
I can't beleive it man.... we're actually going to get paid to give some guy an orgasism... that is just sooo cool.
History is nothing but a fable that has been agreed upon.
-Napolean Bonaparte