Hey people,
first of all ill tell you why im asking for a favor.
my youth group hosts a banquet every year for valentines day, and we invite our parents and all that cool stuff. we always have someone from the youth group make invitations to send out to the parents, and this year i was picked to make them.
Having little experience in photoshop or anything (i dont even have PS) i decided to ask a friend to make them for me, since he has 10 years experience in photoshop and everything. he said hed do it, so i just sit back and relax, thinkin hes gonna make some nice invitations for me. well, so much for that. ive emailed him and everything and hes not responding.
So now i have LESS THAT TWO hours to make these invitations myself, but even the best i could possibly do with MS Paint would suck so bad youd think a 5 year old scribbled it.
So im asking for a simple favor from someone who knows photoshop. I have a picture for a background, and all i need is some cool text to make it halfway decent. Im pretty sure someone could do this pretty quickly. If your willing to do this for me, and within the time frame that i need it done (BEFORE 6 mp central time) then reply to this post and i will email you with the picture for the background and whatnot.
Im pretty desperate, in case you couldnt tell. BIG thanks to anyone who volunteers.
I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out.
-the late rodney dangerfield