Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-12-2005 02:27
Hue Rig - best I've got so far
You don't want to know. Here's the short of it.
Quick-n-Sleazy Extract Hue
New layer
Fill with 50% grey
Set to Luminosity
Adjustment Layer > HSB and pump Sat all the way up
Not the greatest way to extract hue, but it will work just fine.
Copy Merged and paste.
Trash layers if you feel the need.
Now we have to convert the hues to grey. Can be kind of done with an HSB Ad-Layer. It's sloppy, but mostly works.
Adjustment Layer > HSB
In Master, bring Sat all the way down.
Use the drop down to select a sub-range, like Red.
Set the sliders and fall-off to turn one end of the spectrum white.
Use the drop down to select another sub-range.
Set the sliders and fall-off to turn the other end of the spectrum black.
The two sub-range fall-offs should meet in the middle at 50%... so to speak.
Real crappy screen cap:

Hues should now be in greyscale.
Add your favorite Ad-Layer to tweak. Like Curves or something.
Above the Tweak, add a Grad-Map Ad-Layer and use the full spectrum preset. Might have to reverse the direction. This is the turn the grey back into hues.
Clip all of that to the hue layer that was extracted at the very beginning. Set the blending mode to Hue. You should now be able to tweak hue old school like a gradient back in the HSB/HLS days.
I'll see about posting up some more graphics in the next day or two.
Prolly even post the AHU that I've been using for your own tweakage.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-12-2005 20:19
Here is the AHU file that I've been using:
Two problems.
The first is the sliders in HSB.
Instead of this:
254 255 0 1
chances are you will get something like this:
254 255 128 0 1
Causes artifacts and I hate dealing with it.
Maybe I need to play with the AHU file some more.
Or figure out another way using stock tools.
The other is 'wrap-around'
Proper wrap-around:
250 + 15 = 9
But PS doesn't do that.
250 + 15 = 255
This makes shifting red ala Curves kind of hard.
There are some work-arounds, but I currently find them unweildly. Or maybe I just need to get used to it.
I did write some code to take care of those problems, but priority kind of sucks. Once I get something rather important taken care of, I'll be releasing some goodies for the PC folks.
This is so frustrating on so many levels.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-13-2005 05:53
Opened up Script Listener and gave it a test run.
Start with a photo with no layers other than Background.
Run the JS script.
Just a test and a bit sloppy.
Some channels/layers get named and some don't.
And there is no clean up at the end.
Let me know.
If things go well, I just may have found a new vehicle for what I'm babbling about.
Just wait 'til you see the ChOps I've been playing with.
Also, I would like to hear from the JS geeks about this route.
Any caveats or anything?
Yeah, and I would like to hear from any Mac heads if this works for them and stuff.
If you please.
(Edited by warjournal on 02-13-2005 05:54)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-13-2005 23:02
Either I'm seriously crazy, completely insane, or I totally love you guys.
This is a serious exercise in ChOps.
ChOps to get hue.
ChOps to convert the hue to greyscale.
The second half, converting to hue to greyscale, is actually a series of 6 ChOps combos. Not easy keeping it straight. Find where each RGB channel is high and low. Intersect them in specific pairs for 6 new channels. Use each new channel as a mask for cutting-n-pasting the 3rd channel. Then translate the range.
I'm PS 7 and it mostly works to my satisfaction.
Sometimes the occassional artifact.
Sometimes a little artifacting when dealing with wrap-around.
Sometimes a little blue <> cyan shifting.
If it gets too funky in PS CS, I'm pretty sure I might know what the problem is.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Dublin, Ireland Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 02-14-2005 10:57
As per usual your stuff is way over my head. Javascript in photoshop is like grounds to be committed, this is really insane. My question is, how do you use the .js files ? I cant find the "Action Listener" you speak of, I'm using PS7. I'd love to know what these do exactly, very interesting stuff as usual.
"Once I get something rather important taken care of, I'll be releasing some goodies for the PC folks."
Is this a Mac only thing ? Is that loike one of em applescripts ?
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-14-2005 14:41
Whoops. Taking PS7 scripting for granted.
You need to install scripting support for PS7.
Photoshop 7.0 Scripting plug-in v.1.0.2a
The script listener is for recording what you do to a JS log file.
I vaguely remember having some initial problems with this, but I can't remember any details.
Photoshop 7/Plug-Ins/Scripts/
My log file is:
If you use the script listener, be sure to "turn it off" when you don't want it. Otherwise it will log everything you do and you just might end up with a massive file. I turn it off by closing PS, renaming the script listener plug to ScriptingListenerJS.log.bak, then restarting PS.
I might add some cleaning up at the end. Right now, it ends with 6 alpha channels that you won't need anymore, and the greyscale all chopped up in a layer set. Could also use some error checking.
Just remember to try it on a fresh document with only Background. If you have layers in the layers palette, I don't know what will happen. And be in RGB mode.
I get a real kick out of watching this script run.
All those cool ChOps just flying by.
It's a thing of beauty. Truly.
A simple tool being pushed this far is amazing.
I owe Kai a beer or two.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: the smaller bedroom Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 02-15-2005 00:25
ummm... wj?
that was a truly entertaining rant, now can i make a request?
reckon you could post a before/after shot, or somesuch?
It's just that i have full faith in the fact that whatever you're offering here is special, but withouth an example or two, this tool will fly way over the heads of lesser minds like mine. It can be too much for someone to install scripting support and run a script if they are not entirely sure what they are going to achieve with it.

Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-15-2005 03:11
Here we have a parrot. Not Biker Chic, but he'll do.
The hues get converted to greyscale. See how the black and white are right up next to each other? That is where red wraps around from magenta to yellow. Sometimes that can cause problems.
The greyscale is then mapped back to pure hues using a gradient map. There is a full spectrum preset that works dandy for this. Although, you might have to reverse the direction.
Between the greyscale and gradient map, toss in your favorite way to tweak. I'm showing two real quick tweaks with curves.

This allows you manipulate hues in ways otherwise not possible without an awlful lot of hassle. But it does have some draw-backs, like watching out for that wrap-around. Pros and cons type stuff.
Another thing this allows for is making masks based on hue. Want red to yellow? Not a problem. Want cyan to magenta? Quick-n-easy. You can even weight the mask with saturation if you want. Or luminosity or what have you.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Elizabethtown, KY Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 02-15-2005 07:32
There must be some kind of awkward mathamatical philosophy to this. Really, though. It is insane =\.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Dublin, Ireland Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 02-15-2005 16:06
ahhhh, I get it now, thats ingenius. I'm going to have another whack at that scripting plugin, it just installed in in PS CS last time, or else I did it wrong, I have both PS 7 + CS installed at home and didnt spend much time with it.
At first I thought you just made an alternative hue 'changer' to the ol' CTRL+I re-inventing the wheel, but this is really something. Mmh, maybe I should re-read some of the other stuff you've done I couldnt fully understand. Oh and I dont think you explained it badly or anything.
You really need to make a site about this(I realise you dont have much time etc.. ), most people cant think of anything to make a site about, but you've gone and made tutorials on probably the most advanced things you can do with Photoshop. This kinda thing could generate a lot of hits, stick a few google ads about ... could be well worth it.
getconfusedwithphotoshop.com :P
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-15-2005 18:13
JKM set me up with his sub-hosting deal. He was even nice enough to install a wiki for me. Sometimes I'll write like a maniac for a week straight. Sometimes I'll take a break and do this kind of thing. No where near ready, but I'll be sure and let ya'll know. Gonna have lots of good stuff and maybe even a repository of my rambles (I archive most of my rambles). What's taking so long is laying down the foundation.
"Oh and I dont think you explained it badly or anything."
Heh. Well, I do have kind of a bad habit. That is relying on past rambles and counting on folks having previous knowledge. If you haven't been following along, chances are you will get lost. And being familiar with WJ-speak is handy... as is being familiar with Kai's Power Tips (Steve rocks).
If you have any questions about past or present stuff, just ask.
Oh, quick note.
Snowy Mask + hue in grey is a neat twist.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-16-2005 02:24
Great stuff yet again WarJ. I'm following you bro', albiet three blocks behind but I've still got you in my sights.
I remember it took me ages (the obvious often eludes me) to realise that I could run scripts from File>Automate>Scripts.
On a slightly seperate theme y'know the level 3 plug-in you gave us, there is a mage/wizard character on the GUI, is he modelled on one of those "secret" features PhotoShop has?
The one I was thinking of is viewed by pressing Alt whilst clicking on the arrow in the top right of the layers palette and selecting Palette Options?

[whoops] Oh yeah AHU file? Who he? [/whoops]
(Edited by Tao on 02-16-2005 02:39)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-16-2005 03:39
That little guy in the corner is a Filter Meister thing. That guy is the reason why I haven't released/re-leased any plugs in awhile. It was almost a good situation, but something was wrong. I'm not going to release anything I've done with Filter Meister until I get things set right. When I finally wisened up, things got a bit worse. Someone maxed my little credit card and didn't bother telling me.
4 mintues later...
Well, I'm still fucked.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-16-2005 22:59
I'm FM legit!
After a phonecall and some minor snags, it's all good.
Man, now I've got a lot of work to do.
Too bad I have to be in the office in an hour.
I'll probably be pulling a few all-nighters.
Oh, the joys of no sleep in the name of... doing cool stuff.
It's good.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-17-2005 03:32
For you PC folks.
TS_extracthue.zip ~81k
Extract the plug to your plug-in directory.
Should show up as:
Filter > Tech Slop > Extract Hue
Two ways of extracting hue.
The first way is to colour. If any given pixel has sat=0, then it will be filled with specified shade of grey (default=128).
The second way is to greyscale. If any given pixel has sat=0, then it will be filled with pure red.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-22-2005 03:01
Crossed wires perhaps this is the fella I meant 
Thanks for the update warJ. When I get more comfortable with it I'll send you (or post) my efforts with it 