I think this guy was on Coast to Coast a while back. Name sounds familiar. Secret societies, masons, illuminati, CFR, all that stuff is very interesting, but even though documented still hard to believe. (seems he was just on Coast to Coast last night again, so I guess that's where you heard him)
Thanks for the link. Interesting stuff there.
If you like that sort of thing, perhaps you might try Alex Jones. He is out there sometimes, but a lot of what he says rings true and can be verified with a little personal legwork.
Of course, if you are really into conspiracy theories, you might give Hannity or O'Rielly a shot. A lot of what they say makes a whole lot less sense than any of these people praching about the NWO, secret societies ruling the world, and conspiracies.
Edit: Overlooked the example you cited, but yes, it explains all. heh. #7 from the same page was interesting also. Never notived the owl on the dollar before, but it falls right in line with the Bohemian Grove and the 40ft stone owl the leaders of the world sacrifice effigies to. 
(Edited by Ramasax on 04-21-2005 02:08)