Hello everyone!
This time I have a problem that is driving me crazy!
When I visit any page of my site besides my homepage, it looks perfect in Mac FireFox.
When I visit my homepage as www.allthingsinteresting.com/index.ati , it shows up perfect.
When I visit my homepage as just www.allthingsinteresting.com , FireFox displays a "would you like to download this binary data?" dialog.
Does any one have an idea as to what could be causing FireFox to do this only on my homepage? Can any one replicate this in any other browser (especially windows FireFox)?
The only computer I have access to at the moment is a mac, and It looks great in all the mac browsers except for this strange bug in FireFox.
When I use an online header viewer, it displays the page contents correctly, so I don't think this problem is server-related. Perhaps my site is sending some line in the request header that chokes FireFox?
Hopefully someone will have some ideas...