Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 05-20-2005 06:29
Although it makes you wonder, is the next-in-line incentive enough to keep Mr. Bush alive?
(Edited by cfb on 05-20-2005 06:30)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: PA, US Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 05-20-2005 07:02
You know, when this story first cam our over a week ago, they initially said it was live, then they said it was a fake, not a dud, but a fake, now they say it was live again. heh, get it right people.
Makes you wonder though, considering the intense security measures for any event involving Bush, how something like that could have gotten in.
My gut tells me this was planned for political gain. You never know.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 05-20-2005 07:16
Actually, I wonder about these "intense security measures." Although I don't know the specifics of where, when, and how this grenade was thrown, I say Bush speak in Portland during the campaign season. Unannounced, no security, etcetera - just hop in, talk, shake a few hands, and leave.
I can't believe that every individual would be under intense scrutiny, and a grenade landing 30 metres from a person is entirely plausible; who knows.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Bucharest, Romania, Eastern Europe Insane since: Sep 2004
posted 05-20-2005 10:07
He isn't worth the effort. The grenade and the one who brought it must have thought this as well.
(Edited by sonyafterdark on 05-20-2005 10:07)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 05-20-2005 15:14
The thing with surprise visits like that is, he is gone before someone can go home and get the gernade.
Unless someone knows he is going to be somewhere ahead of time, surprise visits are pretty safe, given you have an envoy of of SS who fan out in street cloths at least a half hour before POTUS moves.
Killing Bush doesn't make the problems this country faces go away. I don't think we can get a leader elected who is for the people. It is the system that is causing the problems. All the branches are corrupted. Even those branches at the state level are corrupted. Killing someone is not the way to go about it. Killing someone is wrong.
If you want to make a better society you can not start that society by enguaging in an activity that would be contrary to your motives. You can not start a free and peaceful society through violence and mayhem. There must be other ways for this to work.
Dan @ Code Town
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: The Carpenter Arms Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 05-20-2005 15:28
quote: Killing Bush doesn't make the problems this country faces go away.
No, they should kill (or disable) his dad, the governors, the rest of the "family", well, the whole lot, to make any difference. Bush on his own is not dangerous. So you're right, it isn't worth killing anybody.
Or the FBI, who are probably focusig on threads like this very one and who will track every one of us for mentioning highly securised words like these.
Big Brother will be up to the task; he'll destroy every single soul on this planet.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: PA, US Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 05-21-2005 03:38
This visit was planned as far as I know though.
But, as WarMage said, it would change nothing. The draconian legislation is still on the books, the majority of the senate will still support it, the federal reserve, big banks, and multinational corporations will still be here, the 14th amendment giving them personhood will still be here, the infernal tax code, 16th amendment, and IRS will still be here, oil will still be a commodity, the FTAA will still be around, the military industrial complex will still be here, and worst of all, there are still plenty of misinformed people who think this is all good for them. War is peace, freedom is slavery, etc.
quote: WarMage: If you want to make a better society you can not start that society by enguaging in an activity that would be contrary to your motives. You can not start a free and peaceful society through violence and mayhem. There must be other ways for this to work.
That would be ideal, and I agree wholeheartedly, but the aquisition of freedom through totally peaceful means is a rare thing, and freedom itself is not the norm, but the exception.
We do have an advantage in the information age that we can combat the propaganda, but how far will that take you when there is just so much to combat and so few people who express an interest in doing something and actually carry through with it? They say they are drawing a line, and the next time something they don't like happens they simply step back and draw another line. How long will we continue to carry on like that? How long can we?
That coupled with the fact that not every faction of people who want change agrees on what the replacment should be. You have communists, socialists, patriots, anarchists, freedom-lovers, peace-lovers, greenies, free-market lovers, skinheads, radicals, homegrown militias, etc. All this division, regardless of a common interest, ensures that nothing, nothing will ever change unless that common interest becomes so bad that people are up against a wall and have nothing left to do but fight.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 05-21-2005 16:37
I have to agree assassinating (how appropriate in his case...two 'ass's) Dumbya, would not cure the malaise, but it would be a step in the right direction.
"All religions are equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher." -- Lucretius, Roman Poet (94 - 55 BCE)
White Hawk
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-21-2005 22:31
It's been done several times and covered-up. They keep replacing him with short-order clones. This explains why he talks like a kid - he's never more than a couple of months old. 
==I don't believe it! Somebody stole my sig!!==
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 05-22-2005 01:11
But, them xian fellers are agin' cloning! Say it ain't so!
"All religions are equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher." -- Lucretius, Roman Poet (94 - 55 BCE)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: PA, US Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 05-22-2005 04:39
So long as they don't clone you I could care less. 
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 05-22-2005 05:03
Umm, I presume you "Couldn't care less"?
If you could care less, then there is some hope for me...but little for you.
The world could do with more open-minded individuals who are not susceptible to myths like religion and politics.
Pragmatism and reality are what the politicians/clergy use. They rule by mythology=the ignorance of the voters/congretion.
Stand up. The priest has cum. You ae no longer of interst to him.
"All religions are equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher." -- Lucretius, Roman Poet (94 - 55 BCE)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 05-22-2005 08:01
I fail to see how politics is a "myth." Religion, obviously, includes aspects which can be considered mythological. However, even a strict definition of mythology covers merely the creation story and heroic aspects of Jesus and his followers. Generally the term is applies to traditional stories made to explain natural events or phenomena, not a religion invented for whichever reason it was invented.
Mythology had little to do with ignorance, it had everything to do with science. When myths formed, they substituted for what we consider science. What they became, on the other hand, is completely different - sadly. Still, I think considering Abrahamic/pragmatic religions "mythological" is a vast overstatement and general misunderstanding of the term.
"Abortion clinics are like expressways to heaven."
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 05-22-2005 15:37
I suppose it is the myth of 'democracy' more than politics, you are right.
In Canada provincially and federally we elect a dictator roughly every 4 years. It is seldom that the will of the people is expressed by these individuals.
The US has a little more control over their federal head of state with their system. However it appears they have recently elected a thocracy and it remains to be seen if the successor (should Dumbya not fabricate some way to remain in power) will follow the same narrow path.
quote: "Abortion clinics are like expressways to heaven."
If your heaven is such a fine place, why delay the trip?
"All religions are equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher." -- Lucretius, Roman Poet (94 - 55 BCE)
White Hawk
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: zero divided. Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-22-2005 22:48
quote: If your heaven is such a fine place, why delay the trip?
Laughing so hard I'm coughing up lung..! 
Still, not very nice... *innocent expression*
==Why is it when we talk to God, it's called praying
- but when God talks to us, it's called paranoid schizophrenia?!==
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Just north of nowhere, south of where Insane since: Feb 2005
posted 05-23-2005 04:02
Well, I was not intending to be funny, sarcastic or caustic. (though I am glad you got a giggle...if not an aneurism, out of it).
The religious spend a lot of time kayoodling about the "Kingdom Of Heaven" and how wonderful it wil be to be in the presence of their god.
Why the flaming hell then, do they spend so much money on medical expenses to keep themselves alive?
There was that poor woman in Florida recently. All her religious supporters wanted her to be kept "alive"...why?
Everytime some xian dies, everyone is in shock!
Why? Why lament? If the afterlife is so joyous, should there not be rejoicing?
Riddle me that Batman.
"All religions are equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher." -- Lucretius, Roman Poet (94 - 55 BCE)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 05-23-2005 08:02
I'd like to believe that democracy is the most pure form of direct government that ensures protection for and against the people; obviously it is not "mythological," however the flaws are obvious and permeate any political structure. Although I abhor Dubya, we are still a far cry from a democracy, and attempting to redefine the current administration as "fascist" or "theocratic" rivals the wordplay of fanatics in Kansas attempting to redefine "science." It's almost too obvious.
On the "Kingdom of Heaven," I actually have no idea what Christians get so upset about assisted suicide and denying life support. However, having grown up in a Christian household and later rejecting it, I can say most view funerals as a bittersweet occasion, in that the person is no longer on earth, but in heaven (or hell, whichever they wish to believe).
But for the record, my sig is more sarcastic than anything. I'm not religious, and support abortion. But whatever.
"Abortion clinics are like expressways to heaven."
(Edited by cfb on 05-23-2005 08:03)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-24-2005 05:00
Here's a joke I once heard:
A very pious man overheard that his town was soon going to be flooded, and every man, woman, and child should flee the small village. This man decided to get down on his knees and pray.
He prayed, "Oh, God, you are the worker of miracles, and giver of blessings, please deliver me from this flood."
When he got up, the water had already started seeping into the house, so he ran up to the roof to escape it. Once on the roof, the Coast Guard pulled next to his house and told him that the town was going to be flooded, and they could give him a ride to saftey.
The pious man said, "No thank you, my God will save me."
So at that the Coast Guard left.
Next came a chopper, offering a ride to saftey. By this time, the water level had just reached the roof, there was no going back.
But the man answered again, "No thank you, my God will save me."
So, the chopper left.
A while later, when the water had gotten up to his knees, and almost swept him away, a man in a small row boat sidled up next to him, and asked him if he would like a ride to saftey.
Again, the man said, "No thank you, my God will save me."
Well, the man left, and soon after the pull of the current swept the man under, and he drowned.
Up in Heaven, at the pearly gates, the man demanded to see God.
Peter said, "Well, He's busy at the moment, but I can fit you in about..."
"Okay, sheesh. Cranky old..."
The man stormed up to the throne of God and demanded, "God, why in the world did you forsake me and allow me to drown?!"
God then looked down at the small man, standing there so defiantly, and said, "What do you expect of me? I sent you the Coast Guard, but you didn't listen. I sent you an air rescue, but you didn't listen. I even pulled a man out of his way to grab you out of certain death, yet you still didn't listen."
Moral of the story: God doesn't have to use miracles with all the light, and majesty to accomplish His goals, sometimes He uses something as simple as a single rowman, but it does no good if you don't accept it.
Same concept with health care, I believe. It does no good if you don't accept what God has clearly laid out at our disposal. It should be heart wrenching for a Christian to have to stay here longer, but I believe that medicine is one door that God has opened to allow us to stay a little longer to help out and do His Will.
"You must unlearn what you have learned."
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-24-2005 05:13
heh, how is it really god if the people themselves are trying to save another person?
it seems like during any occurrence inserting the concept of deity should prove the existence of it...*shrugs*
A mail man delivered a postcard for me, that?s because god sent him 
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-24-2005 06:37
quote: What do you expect of me? I sent you the Coast Guard, but you didn't listen. I sent you an air rescue, but you didn't listen.
Picture it now...
"US Coast Guard, how may I help you?"
"I am the almighty God, your Lord!"
"...okaaayyy...sir, do you need help?"
"I am God!! Of course I don't need help!"
"The purpose of your call, sir?"
"I need you to send out help, for me."
"Say what? But if you are God, why do you need the Coast Guard to send out help for you?"
"Don't question the almighty God! Just do it!"
"I'm sorry sir, but I need to take the next call in the line. If you happen to have a real problem, please call back *click*"
Repeat for the air rescue...hehe.
"What do you expect of me? Nobody listened to me!"
White Hawk
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: zero divided. Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-24-2005 12:10
It looks to me, with his final line there, that Gideon is now admitting that a Christian's life is just misery and torment, and it isn't the joy of life that keeps them here, but God's will!  
Here's a joke:
A Christian is thrown to the lions.
Kneeling in the blood-soaked dust as the lion approaches hungrily, he prays to God:
"Please lord, make this lion a Christian. Give this beast faith that I might be saved!"
And sure enough, as he looks up, the lion is knelt beside him, head bowed.
He cries, "Thank you lord! Thank you..!"
But the lion snaps "Quiet! I'm trying to say grace..."
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-27-2005 08:09
I like it WH.
Actually Ruski, it is a story that is used to suggest that God isn't limited to using the supernatural to work in people's lives, He can use the natural as well.
Well, WH, part right. It is something good, followed by something much better. The second thing is so amazingly better, that it makes the first seem bad that you have to go through it, to get to the second.
Life is not full of misery, but comparatively to going to Heaven and seeing Jesus and spending eternity with Him, I want to go now. I have one real objection to leaving this earth now, that is I would not be able to see some of my friends later. My hope is that I will see every one, but that is only realistic for God to do.
"You must unlearn what you have learned."