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Personally I don't like PNG's too heavy and nothing over IE6 recognizes them. [b]Review:[/b] First of all you're scaring me with the 404 page, for the love of God change it! Second, from your post:[quote] [b]Jams44 said:[/b] I've gone through like six deisgns I made just to get it all [b][i]browser compatible[/i][/b] and this finally is the one! Clash Animation.com! Tell me what needs changing, what you like! Also, please accept the fact that new content is being added because of the design change so happy browsing. BTW my site is called that because it is a mix of Flash and Clay animation. Thanx [/quote] Umm you've lost me there?? Aren't you supposed to be worried about browser compatibility when designing in CSS?? These are tables... what's so not browser compatible about them? Every browser recognizes tables as they are! Ok so you might have been confused and thought HTML to be standard now. No problem, still atleast you could've made it error free! According to the validator it hates you! [b]55[/b] errors; sweet! No DocType no Character Encoding?? I find something disturbing!? Bad quality images, stick to gif but increase the number of colors, you only have one image that's quite detailed but the rest are simple. Now the rest... what's attracting me are the headings. You've kept a dark colored background for them and an even darker color for the text... not a good idea. They are headings they should be attractive! They should make the viewer LOOK at them and eventually read them! Larger size and change the color to something lighter if you're going to keep that bakground. Other than that... it's time for the swtch to XHTML! [img]http://www.timdorr.com/neosig/sigs/templar.gif[/img]
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