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Picture of Britain Contest
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Yes indeed, I did know that! I have to say I sort of caught the "Liverpool fever" when I first started going out with my boyfriend; it took me by surprised, honestly... I even get involved when he watches the Reds now... I would never have believed it if you'd told me that a year ago! I couldn't help but get goose pimples when I first walked down the steps in the Cavern, and funnilly enough, I had the feeling I had already seen some places there although i'd never been there. Like memories of things I've never lived in my life, weird... :confused: While we where on the train back to London he said to me he used to cry when he had to come back after visiting his family when he first moved down South 14 years ago, and then [b][i]I [/i][/b]started crying my eyes out for ages! Still don't know what happened to me... Still recovering... And firmly keeping an eye on oppurtunities or ways of getting involved in Liverpool 08 somehow! I'll try and post some pictures I've made, although I didn't really take the time (didn't have time, should I say) to do my best! I need practice in photography.
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