i just want to ask how do i prevent JComboBox in the JFileChooser from, going up to the next folder, but i can go to the subfolder of the defaulth path... example
my default path is C:\Temp\data, i can go to the subfolders of C:\Temp\data,
but i cannot go upward like C:\Temp or C:\, in this case if the user goes up,
the JComboBox will force to set the defaulth path.
here are some of the codes...
public void load()
cJComboBox.addActionListener( this );
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent pEvent)
Object mSourceObj = pEvent.getSource();
if (mSourceObj.equals(cJComboBox))
private void comboboxChanged()
String mlen = cJComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString();
if (currentPath.startsWith(defaultPath))
} else {
setCurrentDirectory(new File(defaulthPath)); // im trying to force the JComboBox to return to defaulth path... if the user goes up....