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Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 07-07-2005 19:37

Man, this seriously sucks. I knew things were getting tight, but yesterday and today we got even more bad news. When it rains, it's pours - and we are looking at a hurricane.

Working my posterior to the bone to the get things done. Late nights working on my wiki (thank you, JKM), plug-in stuff, and recording videos when I can. But I guess my blood and sweat isn't enough.

What I've got at the wiki so far:
Tech-Slop Photoshop Wiki

Hard going because I'm still getting familiar with things. Not really that much in the wiki, but I will get my brain transfered. Brain, neural, nodes, wiki . . . I am getting there. False starts suck.

Now for the hard part. I don't know if it's pride or not, but this is difficult for me.

I am asking for donations.

Make a donation via PayPal

Even a few bucks will help get us through this coming week. Hopefully will keep me a 'free' man long enough so I can finish my videos. I would much rather earn my keep with videos. Maybe it is pride.

It's a beautiful day outside. Gonna go enjoy it with my girlies while I can. Might take the edge off.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 07-08-2005 19:16

What a roller coaster ride. Yesterday afternoon I was ready to chuck. A few hours later I was bouncing off of the walls. This morning I was back to chucking. Hopefully later today I'll be back to bouncing.

Last night while I was bouncing, it occurred to me to offer a pre-order. Can't really focus on salesmanship right now, so a bit of a quick whack.

Pre-Order My Flow

Deadline is this coming Thursday. If we don't make it, WJ go bye-bye for awhile. If I do disappear, I *will* be sure to get pre-orders out one way or another.

Cheers to hard work, blood and sweat, and heart and soul.

Tyberius Prime
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist with Finglongers

From: Germany
Insane since: Sep 2001

posted posted 07-09-2005 15:24

You can do it.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: buttcrack of the midwest
Insane since: Oct 2000

posted posted 07-10-2005 15:30

You go WJ. Hang in there, bro.
BTW, your wiki won`t let me log in or create a new account. It says "...or use the form below..." but when you do, it tells you that no user account exists. It also has no field for an email address to mail new passwords to.

You know, just in case you need something else to do.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 07-11-2005 03:45

You shouldn't be able to create new accounts, DB. This is to prevent vandalism, but I'm sure I'll lift it one of these days. However, you should be able to read what I have up.

Did some more talking with Woman about what's been going on. Looks like I'll be retiring from Photohsop in a few days so I can move on with Option B. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but I have to get ready to start rolling in this direction.

This means that this will be the only chance to get my videos. Once said and done, everything gets archived to CD to sit in a sleeve.

I don't know anymore.

And thanks to You Know Who.

(Edited by warjournal on 07-11-2005 03:48)

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: buttcrack of the midwest
Insane since: Oct 2000

posted posted 07-13-2005 19:35

Ah, well, that explains that, don`t it ?
As soon as I get my PayPal account fixed, I want a CD.

Sorry to see you forced into something else. Hope you still find time to play.
Also want to thank you for all the brain stuff over the years. Your musings, rambles and fiddling have helped me attain a level of understanding I`d never have reached alone.

~bows down~ We`re not worthy...

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