I am not a Chinese speaker, but I do read Chinese (albeit on a rather rudimentary level). I haven't seen our Chinese friends for a while now, so I'll give your question a stab.
1) Character Encoding: the way I see it, either option is possible, but I don't think it really matters which option they choose. They may have a Chinese-language system that has a default Chinese encoding (but will still recognize English), or they may have an English system set up to recognize Chinese. I don't see why this is important, though, as the end result will be the same. Or maybe I'm not understanding what exactly you're asking. That's a very good possiblity, actually.
As far as which actual character sets you would use, well, that depends. There are a lot of different charsets for Chinese (my encoding context menu lists eight different Chinese character sets). Big5 is the standard for traditional Chinese, while Guobiao (GB) is the standard for simplified Chinese. Those two Wikipedia links should give you a basic idea of your options.
The difference between traditional and simplified, by the way (although this is explained in the above links), is where the characters are used. Mainland China has adopted a "simplified" character system, and Singapore has followed suit. Taiwan and Hong Kong still use the traditional (ie, more complex) characters. Korea uses traditional characters as well (in Korea, these characters are called "proper characters," while the simplified characters are called "abbreviated characters"), and Japan uses simplified characters that may or may not be the same as the mainland Chinese characters (I'm pretty sure they're different, even if they are similar, but I'm not positive). Not that you need any of the information in that last sentence, but I thought I'd mention it in case you weren't confused enough yet.
2) Direction: traditionally, Chinese is written top to bottom, right to left (by this I mean that the text starts in the upper right hand corner of the page, travels down to the bottom of the page, then continues at the top of the page to the left of the first character, and so on). On the internet, though, it is written just like most Western languages (ie, left to right, top to bottom). In fact, most modern Chinese texts are written this way (ie, left to right, top to bottom), and the traditional direction is reserved for things like vertical signs and, um, well, that's all I can really think of right now.
From where I stand, it looks like those are you two major questions, right? Character encoding and text direction? Well, hopefully the above should help a bit. In short, though...
reisio said:
Just like English, only with Chinese characters.
Seriously. For all the blabbering I did above, this is what it really comes down to.
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