I've been away from the "telly" for quite some time so I don't know if this has been in the news much. The Spirit on Mars just keeps on giving. Check out the RAW images if you can. I find these photographs stunning, and the story of how the rovers "Spirit" and "Opportunity" have been exceeding all expectations, a thing of joy in a sometimes depressing world.
Esa also has some stunning images from the Mars Express spacecraft presently orbiting Mars. (What's with ESA just calling it a "spacecraft", or I think I've also heard it called the "orbiter", very heroic. May as well of called it "Herbert"
This image taken by Spirit after months of climbing in on the summit of what is called "Tennessee Valley" is stunning and now on my desktop (it's 3000x1400px 351kb)
Funny the things you find when your looking for something else. Celestia is a bit like Google World Map, but takes you to the stars instead, warp factor 8, engines can handle it Jim. I must admit I've only just installed it and ran it a few times, but I'm excited about the addons
where you can DL more and more celestial images to include in your universe.
Well it tickled my fancy anyway.
The Beeb also had a good piece about the Rover images and plenty of useful links too.
Anyone got a favourite space or astronomy site they like to visit not mentioned here, come on then, give up the lankage.
This reminds me I haven't seen Trib floating around the forums recently, I know he was very busy a few months back.