Not at all. It's war and it's ever been thus. Sadly
I didn't mean that the Butler book is dated in concept, but in some of the facts he throws out concerning WWI and profiteering. If anything, what he wrote about occurs on a much, much larger scale today. Hell, this was before there was even a large comglomeration of corporations who depended on war for much of their profit.
[...]were trying to switch currencies... change over to Euro's. Selling their oil in Euro's would of course knock the slats out of the US dollar... and then the 'walls come tumblin' down' don't they.
I missed that too. I've been trying to figure out the macroeconomic elements of the invasion, and this is a piece of the puzzle I was missing. Very interesting, and it makes terrible sense. If this is the case, in a distorted way, I guess you could say we were protecting our "national security". Not that it makes it right. The larger the blanket of "national security" grows, the more empirical we become.
If the dollar is destined to fall, let it fall, it is going to happen soon enough anyway as I see it, and there is no good reason to go around the world on conquests to try and stop it. If they had not abandoned the monetary policies postulated by the founders, that of solid backing and the many warnings of central banks, there would be no problem to begin with. If they had not allowed the creation of the Fed and the subsequent state of inflation and debt to take hold... *sigh* Rather than go back to the root of a problem, government always likes to focus on the surface elements. Building on a house of cards...and that is why governments fail.
Not surprisingly, I was unable to find any mainstream sources, but what I found rings true. Another piece of information shoved down the old memory hole obviously. From what I have read, Iraq actually made this switch in Nov. 2000 -- when the Euro was worth about 80 cents to a dollar -- and had been making off very well, especially after 9/11 and the subsequent devaluing of the dollar.
Here are some links if you're interested:
There are plenty more out there where that came from. What a tangled web we weave.
In any case, thanks for the heads up.
I watched the various sunday morning talkshow/pundits armed with the latest polls and I'll tell ya the 'power behind' dubya must be wondering what the hell to do next other than double check their overseas accounts and make sure there's fuel in the jet.
Support is waning big time, especially since Katrina. I think a lot of people are waking up. My fear is that they will simply switch parties come '06 and '08 -- propaganda overload -- thinking that the Democrats will make things 'right'.
I see either party, both of which support Big Government and pro-interventionist foreign policies, as a threat to our liberties. To me, and I may have said this before, it does not matter if there is a left-footed or a right-footed boot on your throat, there is still a damn boot on your throat.
In any case, unless something happens between then and now, Hillary will be voted into the White House, and I still sincerely believe Bill has his eyes set on SG of the UN. His Clinton Global Initiative, if 'successful', will see to that. This is troubling. Nothing will change. One could say that they are a lesser of two evils, but I've been down that road before, and refuse to keep supporting a sinking ship driven by these two parties. We've been doing it for over a hundred years now, and it has cost us much.
Too bad actually. =)
Yeah, a little reggae, and a lot of ganja could do him some good. 
(Edited by Ramasax on 09-19-2005 22:10)