Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 10-29-2005 05:29
In an effort to better understand how things work here at Ozone, I'd like to offer this thread creation, to help me & others, better deal with/understand Ozone users responses. This is not a thread to bitch and complain. This is a thread that would allow ANY poster, to ask questions, without guilt of making a mistake.
So I'll start.
Is it wrong to show the posters name, when quoting them? Is it more comforting to simply post a persons post as just [quote]?
By posting, without completely reading an entire 4 or 5 page thread, permit another poster to lambast you for repeating a previous point?
Is posting a comment, rather than posting a point on the issue at hand, fuel to be shat upon?
Are "text" mistakes in a response, worthy of a poster's acknowledgement?
If so, to what degree constitues a post about illierate posts?
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "
(Edited by Zynx on 10-29-2005 05:42)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 10-29-2005 05:43
Zynx said:
Is it wrong to show the posters name, when quoting them? Is it more comforting to simply post a persons post as just quote? Quoting the posters username helps me understand who said what.
no...the quote function adds the poster's name for a reason....I don't understand where you would get such an idea?
Zynx said:
Does not completely reading an entire 4 or 5 page thread, before posting, permits a poster to lambast you for repeating a previous point, when you finally post?
Not reading a thread, and throwing a post in on the end of 4 pages which states points already well covered - but which a person too lazy to bother reading - is a rather rude waste of people's time. Why would those posters involved in the conversation since the start want to read a post that has no context, no bearing, no understanding.
It's the like the guy standing near by when you are talking to your friend, who hear's one word of your conversation and jumps in with things totally irrelavant to what you are talking about...i'm sure you know the guy I mean...
"Permission" is a silly concept in this regard, but if you post in such ways then you can certainly expect people's response to be less than polite.
This whole discussion board thing is *not* a very complicated issue. It seems you are very seriously overthinking things...

(Edited by DL-44 on 10-29-2005 05:44)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 10-29-2005 05:53
Again, thanks 4 Dat DL.
Very cordial of U.
I am glad that I can ask these ideas/questions, without being "Shat-Upon!"
Danka DL, Danka! 
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 10-29-2005 07:01
DL: "function adds the poster's name for a reason"
Time for me to learn something. How... where... is this 'function?'
When I want to quote someone I hilite it... right click, copy...paste into my post... hilite again... click ubb 'quote'
quote: no...the quote function adds the poster's name for a reason
like so... no 'name' included.
I've looked at the ubb help and nothing jumps out. And please take into consideration my advanced years before you jump too hard. =)
(Edited by NoJive on 10-29-2005 07:23)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 10-29-2005 07:28
Select the text that you want to quote.
hit the "Quote" icon above that person's post.
This is the result:
NoJive said:
Time for me to learn something. How... where... is this 'function?'
it automatically adds the quote tags, inserts your name, and includes the highlighted text.

Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 10-29-2005 07:47
my guess would be
that if that quote button had been a snake
it would have bit me too
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 10-29-2005 07:58
DL-44 said:
Select the text that you want to quote.hit the "Quote" icon above that person's post. This is the result:quote:NoJive said:Time for me to learn something. How... where... is this 'function?'it automatically adds the quote tags, inserts your name, and includes the highlighted text.=)
15 minutes from now I'm going to feel really really good. That's just about when I'll stop hitting my head against the wall!!
Thang Q bery bery much. =)
Paranoid (IV) Mad LibrarianFrom: GlieBeGe Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 10-29-2005 10:26
Don't tell me you never even skimmed my oh so carefully-worded hints at the bottom of the text area...
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 10-29-2005 13:00
Damn I thought "Ozone's Corrosion of Conformity" might bear some relation to the rock band.
...mmmmmm....gotta love southern fried metal.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 11-01-2005 01:31
quote: DL-44 said:This whole discussion board thing is *not* a very complicated issue. It seems you are very seriously overthinking things...
Perhaps, but I am not just asking for myself, but for others, less informed than me. Or others who are just afraid to ask. Sites like this may have been around for a long time, but an attempt to be understood, in a room, where there is very little known of each poster, let alone to have many many many different ideas on one subject is all a bit too much for everone to be expected to absorb. I'm not saying I give up, I'm just asking for a little patience. Asking, not demanding.
As for typos, I don't care as much as others. I do find many people adamant about using a spellcheck, or adamant about demanding a persona post, textually correct, or they should expect less than polite posts. Why? Doing it on purpose is one thing, making mistakes, is another. I find that those who wish to stop, post, and take the time to be like an anal englsih teacher, destory their credibility, and not the persona who posted the mistake.
If done in gest, then fine. I just undestand the reasoning, other than to believe it to be just "mean".
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 11-01-2005 03:14
Zynx said:
Is posting a comment, rather than posting a point on the issue at hand, fuel to be shat upon?
as you can see from this thread....it's fine.
Zynx said:
Are "text" mistakes in a response, worthy of a poster's acknowledgement?
Not sure what you mean but I guess it depends. sometimes if there are text mistakes, it may make the point the poster was trying to make not come out right. Guess it depends on how they are responded to. Right out rudeness is not cool anywhere IMO.
Zynx said:
If so, to what degree constitues a post about illierate posts?
Well most here are English speaking nativly so shouldn't really be a problem. If someone posts something and are not sure what they are talking about then quote what you don't understand and ask them to elaborate. that would be my best guess.
F1_error said:
...mmmmmm....gotta love southern fried metal.
Oh YEAH. Even better if it comes from the 80's 

Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 11-01-2005 11:42
Going completely off topic:
Zynx said:
"I shall lambast my mother"
"Dirty dog! Shame on you!"
Ha! I've never actually encountered someone else who's read that book before.

Justice 4 Pat Richard
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Right behind you. Insane since: May 2005
posted 11-01-2005 17:26
Just a guess Zynx, but English is not your "First" language, right?
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right.
Isaac Asimov
US science fiction novelist & scholar (1920 - 1992)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: New England Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 11-02-2005 01:12
Zynx said:
Are "text" mistakes in a response, worthy of a poster's acknowledgement?If so, to what degree constitues a post about illierate posts?
If it's simply a misspelling or an obvious typing mistake, that's one thing. But sometimes it is obvious that the person either doesn't know the use of a particular word or is using it incorrectly or is making one up. That's what irritates me.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 11-02-2005 03:02
briggl: quote: But sometimes it is obvious that the person either doesn't know the use of a particular word or is using it incorrectly or is making one up.
To which I reply : do not hesitate to let me know when I make such mistake.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 11-02-2005 03:20
quote: briggl said:If it's simply a misspelling or an obvious typing mistake, that's one thing. But sometimes it is obvious that the person either doesn't know the use of a particular word or is using it incorrectly or is making one up. That's what irritates me.
Exactly Briggl. But just because it irritates you, doesn't mean that it justifys you pointing it out to that poster, in a mean way. Right? Not that you have.
quote: CPrompt said:If someone posts something and are not sure what they are talking about then quote what you don't understand and ask them to elaborate.
Agreed. Just ask the poster? How profound! For posts that simply misuse the language like; there, their, they are, or they're. If I can get the GIST of their point, then all is well.
Also, like, quote: CPrompt said:Sometimes if there are text mistakes, it may make the point the poster was trying to make not come out right
Agreed, but minor typos don't constitute a nitpickers response, if the typo is minor. Do they? Like, "And that was when I went utside". Does that deserve a post about missing an o?
Again, there is no need to be mean about a typo, or to assume what a persons intent was, (without asking), and then proceed to elaborate on that assumption.
I like this? If you can't get a posters point, then ask. If you want to assume, then understand what an assumption IS, as well as the feedback you might receive, by making that assumption. And if you want to nitpick, then please do so, but then you yourself can not cry foul when you yourself are nitpicked.
And those who nitpick, should themselves be held to a 100% accountability, for making typos!
Just my $0.02 cents.
quote: Diogenes said:Just a guess Zynx, but English is not your "First" language, right?
Honestly DIO,.............." Rules regarding the typing of text on websites such as Ozone, and the responses expected", will never be my "First" language. The responses, like yours, assumes a lot when it comes to YOUR expectation of a response. Many people suck at typing, but are brilliant, and eloquent public auditors.
So everytime I see you pile-on a previous posters assumption, try to undertsand, that possibly the poster you are piling on, is 10 times the english major, that you pile-on, or clai to be. Simply becasue the person posts tipe-ohs.
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "
(Edited by Zynx on 11-02-2005 03:27)
(Edited by Zynx on 11-02-2005 03:34)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 11-02-2005 03:23
[quote]Zynx said: 
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "
(Edited by Zynx on 11-02-2005 03:24)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: New England Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 11-02-2005 04:05
quote: Exactly Briggl. But just because it irritates you, doesn't mean that it justifys you pointing it out to that poster, in a mean way.
I never mentioned anything about doing it in a mean way.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 11-02-2005 04:10
Zynx said:
I like this? If you can't get a posters point, then ask.
Which begs the question: does asking the poster what they mean justify being "shat upon" by that poster?
Does that poster's inability to make their point mean that asking them to clarify is wrong?
That would be the impression I would get were I forced to judge by your actions/reactions...
As for the 'typo' issue:
1) there is most certainly a difference between a typo - as in missing a letter, a minor mispelling, etc - and the use of a word that does not exist, or using a word in completely the wrong way.
2) if you can still understand what is being said, then often all is...well enough. However, there is certainly no harm in correcting someone's misuse of words - especially when (as is many times the case) the actual point the person was trying to make is either unidentifiable, irrelevant, or just plain silly.
I have often resorted to addressing the grammar/language of a post becuase there is simply nothing else that can be reasonably addressed within the post, or because the grammar/language is bad enough that it does in fact hamper the ability to communicate.
And I have to say, no - there's nothing wrong with that.
Zynx said:
Honestly DIO,.............." Rules regarding the typing of text on websites such as Ozone, and the responses expected", will never be my "First" language.
Your fixation on such things as " Rules regarding the typing of text on websites such as Ozone, and the responses expected" is quite unhealthy.
It does explain a lot about the problems you seem to have getting and/or making a point.

Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Right behind you. Insane since: May 2005
posted 11-02-2005 04:17
I merely inquired Zynx, because if say German or some other tongue is your natal language, it would explain some of the composition, word choice and spelling errrors one sees as well as the difficulty you sometimes seem to have in putting down a coherant thought.
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right.
Isaac Asimov
US science fiction novelist & scholar (1920 - 1992)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 11-02-2005 04:59
quote: briggl said:I never mentioned anything about doing it in a mean way.
And I never mentioned that U did.
quote: Zynx said:Not that you have.
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "