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Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 11-09-2005 00:30

Hey all. I was wondering if anyone has used an FTP service only. I don't need a web hosting package, just an FTP site. Only one has to be fast so I am guessing that a dedicated server is the way to go?

So if you have used such a service or know of a good one would you care to direct me to them?

<edit>Guess I should have made the title "Dedicated FTP hosting Oh well...</edit>

Thanks in advance!



(Edited by CPrompt on 11-09-2005 00:31)

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: raht cheah
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 11-09-2005 05:29

not sure what you're doing that you think you'd need a dedicated server with shared hosting packages being quite liberal on bandwidth and storage these days...

go to Dreamhost and grab a hosting package and use gurusnetwork as the referal ID when you sign up

If this won't work say why and mebbe someone will have something different to suggest


Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 11-09-2005 07:43

This reminds me, actually. I have control access to two Dreamhost accounts, and I realy need to set up a HTTP file upload/download service for myself. My stupid University blocks outgoing FTP for some weird reason.

Justice 4 Pat Richard

Paranoid (IV) Mad Librarian

From: GlieBeGe
Insane since: Dec 2001

posted posted 11-09-2005 16:05

Skaarjj said:

This reminds me, actually. I have control access to two Dreamhost accounts, and I realy need to set up a HTTP file upload/download service for myself. My stupid University blocks outgoing FTP for some weird reason.

I had this running on my server for a while as my web-ftp client, might give getting it to run on your DH accounts a go:


Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 11-09-2005 17:14

let me go further into what we are doing.

We have software that clients can load to send print jobs to us via FTP. The "server" software runs here and grabs the files and sends them to a hold queue on printer.

However the files that the clients will be sending FTP will sometimes (most of the time) will be huge. So the connection for the client and us will need to be fast. We don't need a hosting package because there will not be a website involved.

Make sense?



(Edited by CPrompt on 11-09-2005 17:17)

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: raht cheah
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 11-10-2005 06:02

Dreamhost's network is very fast, I just ran a couple of tests witha 6.77MB file down and up, downloading I got a constant 156KB/second throughout the download and upload I got 39KB/second. Neither are incredibly spectacular but that is unfortunately the cap on my internet connection, if you were to test it with a fatter connection than mine you would get faster transfer speeds, I'm not sure what the highest you could expect would be if *your* connection wasn't the bottleneck.

I did a speedtest with speakeasy to make sure it was maxxing out my bandwidth and the test showed me at 153 down and 39 up do Dreamhost indeed pushed it as fast as I was able to pull it.

So that should cover the speed issue unless you require a test with a better connection. If you'd like to see if you can max out your connection that's faster, or a client's or somesuch, let me know and I can provide you with an ftp spot to test with.

On to the "huge file issue" you said this in relation to the speed which was covered above but I wanted to remind you that DH's cheapest hosting plan ($120 per year) provides you with over 4.5GB of storage space, surely that'd be enough if you kept on top of tidying up, and a monthly bandwidth transfer allowance of 120GB. Both of these figures increase weekly after you being hosting, storage by 40MB per week and bandwidth by 1GB per week.

Do you know what your requirements are for
transfer per month?
storage space?
transfer speed?

If you take your requirements for speed, space, and transfer allowance, and that covers it, your "don't need hosting" point is moot, they provide you with everything you need, that is FTP protocol, storage space, and bandwidth.

There would be the drawback no matter who you go with, that you'd have to download the files once they'd been uploaded. Sounds like with your current setup they upload directly to you?

(Edited by JKMabry on 11-10-2005 06:05)

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