/!\ DISCLAIMER: if you can't read the following with humor, if it makes you cringe, don't come whining. If it does hurt your feelings, then you probably
are one of the persons I mention and you have RARELY PAID ME RESPECT. Expect being paid back or move to the next thread.
Oh, and by the way, the normal readers should expect DL-44 to drop by and attack me out of the blue, in a verbose (but sometimes sensible) way,
the target "raving Trio" to whine their asses off, TP to threaten me of banishment, and some banter about "my being impolite", as they will cringe before the blunt truth.
Probable other "good order" advocates include bitdamaged or Warmage.
Why? They will assume, based on their internal biases, I am attacking the community, although I am trying to get some fun off the most intense display of idiocy
made by two people in a long time.
I have gotten used to these reactions, it seems to happen everytime I raise a controversial point - wether that point could be constructive or not - it is ASSUMED destructive.
You should not expect anyone to make a constructive move towards a better understanding after this, but it will just be soo usual to me.
Might as well unleash my true feelings about this whole thing.
To those of you who still are prone to misunderstanding, judging me and turning the heat on for "all available reasons", keep in mind for the rest of your lives that "my love for you is like diarea"
"I just can't hold it in".
It's coming./!\
Is this whole thing really laughable. Or plain scary? Yeah, some of you sometimes scare me.
Is it possible to have a brain and use it so poorly because of emotional biases? Yes, it actually happens all the time to everybody.
And it happens particularly often to some people.
UML as described by IBM:
The Unified Modeling Language? (UML?) is the industry-standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems. It simplifies the complex process of software design, creating a
"blueprint" for construction.
And a couple of papers from the IEEE (google IEEE-SA to see that IEEE is in every single click you make) about web applications reverse engineering:
* http://csdl2.computer.org/persagen/DLAbsToc.jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/&toc=comp/proceedings/icsm/2005/2368/00/2368toc.xml&DOI=10.1109/ICSM.2005.77
* http://csdl2.computer.org/persagen/DLAbsToc.jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/&toc=comp/proceedings/wse/2002/1804/00/1804toc.xml&DOI=10.1109/WSE.2002.1134087
Basically, UML obviously IS the de-facto standard for any software vendor.
Basically, it is involved and deeply integrated in any decent IDE nowadays, borland, Visual Studio, and used by almost all development companies worldwide.
IEEE and IBM agree about the importance of UML in software design, and IEEE says almost EXACTLY WHAT I SAID about reverse engineering web applications such as the Asylum.
Would you even argue about the benefits of web standards? I mean, it is always possible to argue, but does it make sense when such a standard has been established
by the proven experience of a whole industry over years?
I mean.
They tried. It would have taken arguments to make a point.
They have carefully avoided making any.
--------------- motivations of this miscommunication case study
Original discussion:
As a matter of facts, some people here have a strong bias against me, a tendency to see and hear everything I do in the light of
"I want to manipulate you in my plan to conquer the world".
I am not blaming them, being a cunt is a right, if not a privilege: they have earned it by vigorously refusing new ideas,
refusing constructive criticism, and thinking they are know-it-alls.
I think cunts on this planet have a talent at doing their thing. Really.
Sticking to the past to justify the present is a good way to get a rank in the Darwin awards, me thinks, instead of drawing the line
and assuming, for a second, that I could be honest, willing, and simply right.
If their goal is to be weeded out by evolution, sticking to past events to stand on biased stances is plain perfect.
I even think some should call Guiness and compete, there is material for a world cup and records.
Or? Some people.. yeah some people probably should really be turned into sponges. They're wasted braincells.
Which would surely help our Darwin award competitors reach their goal.
Since shaking those dead braincells may help some wake up, I'll shake hardly.
It may only result in the usual wussies war dance. At least that'll be funny to watch.
--------------- the discussion: my point, and the way it was perceived.
My point was giving an advice to a community about it's software tools.
The intent? Constructive.
The reaction of concerned "moderators"? It really cracked me up... see for yourself:
--------------- q&a, InI vs the raving trio
writing to a text file is in general faster than accessing a db.
Raving G:
yes it is. cause writing to a db is also writing to a file + the db engine routines.
and if im not mistaken, all pages at the grail software are therefore rendered to files everytime someone changes something.
InI (obviously adressing the db access == text file access assumption):
You are mistaken, and that's a good reason to clarify things on a larger scale.
One, among the twenty differences I could quote off the top of my head is: db query = dedicated db server = (random/unpredictable) transfer times added to the text processing.
Raving K (obviously hasn't seen what my comment was targetting):
Just a short intervention as he isn't quite, actually.
The last 100 or so threads that have been viewed are cached and solely accessed as static files by those who do not add their own reply, reducing the number of DB queries quite a bit already.
15 posts or so, and we're still stuck in what originally was "one real world example of POSSIBLE benefits of accurate modelling". The grey matter of our raving trio is still digesting
this sole, random example.
Aim: suggesting a possible structural improvement.
Perception: an attack.
Reminder: the topic was "A faster forum using accurate modelling techniques"
But to the raving trio, the real world example is still a tough one to swallow.
At LEAST raving K has had the common sense of staying polite.
There's much to say about the way Grumble reacted, taking it as "someone protecting him from the evil guy who is daring to give an advice."
And the use of the word "intervention" by Kuckus, very U.S. Marshallish, one would think I am Osama himself, threatening the masses
of showing them UML is easy and useful (of course since UML is a part of my plot for taking over the woooorld).
But ok, it was off-topic from Kuckus, but fair and polite.
- At this point, though, I start to cringe at the absence of understanding.
Hint to Grumble: it is NOT because TP has implemented this improvement already that there aren't better ways to implement it, or others.
The fact TP has implemented this already shows he cared for ONE POSSIBLE improvement in a million, it doesn't say shit about
"A faster forum using accurate modelling techniques", the idea itself had little to do with modelling aside acting as an EXAMPLE.
I am about sure the proposed workaround wasn't implemented from the start, wasting the time required to NOTICE IT WOULD HELP and finally ADD IT.
Plot of the thread, where art thou? Common sense? Ability to rtfm from Grumble? They're on holidays. Permanent holidays.
15 posts to not get over the "basic example" and not understand anything of what is being said by me.
--------------- Next, it ALMOST took off
Raving G:
well, if that helps you optimize the grail, then what are you waiting for?
InI (having created a faq entry and laid out a base scenario in order to SHOW and PROVE a constructive intent):
Ok, there now are a bunch of faq entries for this whole stuff.
See? My point is not to say "I know better than you" or "can do better than you", my point is not to despise Grumble, my point is not to get myself involved
in the Asylum and "take it over" (muhuhahahaha) (I am waaaay too lazy, moody, and busy to maintain the Asylum code on the spare time I don't have - unless a hand is required for a given task,
which is all I have the time to give but would give with pleasure).
Raving TP, the undisputed champion of the world:
You could have gotten the grail code in the past and drawn your own diagramms - instead of trying to get other people to spend their time on them.
Huh-huh. So I am BASICALLY putting my hands in the dirt first and foremost to hear the heavyweight champion
of all times encourage me with something about "manipulating the world into my plot for dominion (muhuhahahaha) and having them waste their precious time over..."
Over reviewing the work I have started doing in the faq.
Aim: proposing my work AND to involve the whole community to get the most comfortable result.
Reaction: blaming me for trying to "manipulate the world into handing me diagrams for me to lazilly caress myself over".
..Hey, Beavith, I got diagrams, I can get chicks. Huh. Huh.
- At this point in space and time, I am crying tears of hysteria, this is great, just great, I'll never be able to stop myself from laughing.
I think every dumbass on the planet is jealous of you TP. Gold medal awarded. In ONE SINGLE POST!
"Priceless" if you know what I mean 
I should stop here though, it just is crazy.
My bad, I have made too long posts for people to read and understand the whole at a glance. Still, when you remove internal biases
and get past a tendency to moronic behavior, it is quite obvious that the intent is constructive.
When will some of you people get over emotional biases to ACTUALLY TRY AND HEAR WHAT I HAVE TO SAY BEFORE TRYING TO ANSWER NONSENSE?
------------------------------ TP's inner child
InI (pay attention to my saying I FULLY TRUST HIS CODING ABILITY):
I've learnt that planning is extremely important when it comes to software development, and the immense effort by TP has gone through so many changes, tips, ideas, etc. Such an awkward process that
while I fully trust his coding ability, I am wondering wether the grail is giving it's full potential or not.
TP (pay attention to his mistaking my ADVICE for DESTRUCTIVE CRITICISM):
Get a life.
Believe what you want to believe.
Read this a few times, and notice the way he takes it personal, thinking I am treating him like a cunt when all I am saying is "it's excellent but it always can be improved with best practices".
Notice the underlying insecurities.
Notice the rebellious attitude at my "trying to share knowledge instead of having a life".
It almost would make me want to give him a sloppy kiss and a hug.
Or a punch in the face to man-bitch-slap the wuss out of him.
Or both.
An effortless victory and silver medal also on Grumble's side, with a unique persistence in re-asking the same questions ten times
and not getting a dime of the heavy answers and links provided.
Which would be common and ok in a forum environemnt without the "my inner wuss has been wounded over your daring to try to answer questions" tirade.
Next runner up.
And a potential future champion.
All in all, we had one coder wanting to share, two talented morons on a rampage because they don't like me and theyre inner wussies can't stand advice, Kuckus taking a secure stance but missing my point altogether,
one coder getting something to the whole point (twoD) and a simple user/talented graphic artist getting something to the discussion as well (the trout concept and the fact it can easilly become reality).
Had it only been one of them, it would have been acceptable, but two of them having their inner child wounded by
a simple tip about UML.
Also, pay attention to the way they don't provide any technical argument to prove their point, or relevant links, don't have anything to say
about UML (ah yeah, the brilliant "it's a heavy specification" - no shit? We have a new Sherlock! -, hardly understand shit to what's going on and try to protect their insecure selves with brilliant phrases like:
This is my last and first post in this thread.
Which prevents from having to try to make a point at all.
Ah yeah, TP posted a cheap and confused (I read it all) 1986 article before running away in fear of what? Showing he does not know it all?
Having the balls to accept an advice and give it a proper evaluation? Having the balls of admitting the Asylum may be an admirable, yet imperfect piece of work?
Having the balls of accepting I could have given this advice without any inherent boobytrap AND I could be right?
That's why he is the champion
"Hey, Beavith, I am the wuss that time forgot. Phear me."
The moral of the story?
You two have misred, misinterpreted, distorted my words to make them match your internal biases, questionned what is the reference framework for modelling, during a couple of mediocre posts
about nothing, and then ran away.
Making for a fantastrippic documentary about those weird animals called dumbasses.
I had to thank you. Keep being winners.