Truly mad! And very impressive of course!
My setup:
2.4GHz AMD 64 4000+ CPU, 2GB RAM, WinXPSP2
- Zorn Renderer, 4 fps.
- VML Renderer, it can't decide if it runs at 16 or 21 fps lol, but it's atleast stable on those two values.
FF 1.06:
- Zorn Renderer, 3 fps and lots of flashing updates where you see only a blue screen.
- SVG Renderer, couldn't test this one
Need a new FF...
Opera 8.51:
-Zorn Renderer, 6 to 9 fps.
-VML Renderer, eh.. sprites only but it runs at ~30 fps lol
The tests were done while facing the building and moving back and forth while turning slightly left and right.
This is the most complete 3D engine I've seen so far. Scanned through the code quickly to see what it looked like.
Very good structuring and readability, even with the french comments hehe.
I though something like this might be too much for the browser, but you proved me wrong lol!