For a starter, here is what looks like a cool resource about 3ds max.
I am through with my first ever OpenGL assignment, which earned me a 6/6 mark and to become the teacher's assistant,
and collaborate to a book for unis in Switzerland.
There is a past and buggy version somewhere in the forums (a couple of posts from here), I'll post the final when I get to finally
revamp and revive my website, which hasn't really happened in a looooong time.
Anyway, I am toying around with the fabulous GLSL, OpenGL shading language.
And I have come to the obvious: it is all about one's understanding of 3d, optics and physics.
Just as paiting is the soul of all kinds of 2d works, digital or not.
So, basically, I can transpose whatever I could do (except the raytracing itself) in 3ds max to OpenGL: especially materials...
whatever makes them look good in Max can make them look the same in OGL.
(Aw, Grumble, please keep away from trying to look smart and correct me on this one because you once made a gooch shader,
I don't care about your academic/restrictive perception of GLSL, and I don't care about educating people about GLSL, I care
about concise answers to my questions)
So, I am looking for recipes for good, and I mean good:
- x ray materials in Max
- Laplace filtering (embossing) in Max, possibly as a post-processing filter. I already know how to do it in OGL, just want to use it in Max for some snapshots and laying out ideas.
Or better yet, isolating "silouhette lines" in a Max model, in max.
Silhouette lines are the lines that separate front-facing and back-facing polygons, I can compute that easilly when I have the model
as a data structure, in OGL, but how do I do that in Max?