WebShaman: Can even the staunchest Bush supporters ignore all these failings?
The Levee video --> counterattack = draw, easy to spin when the finger-pointing begins, all rational thought stops, and the sheeple start acting like they are on teams at a sporting event.
Iraq Civil War --> counterattack* = Possible escalation of patriotism, Bush supporters cheer and choose to continue on with their self-inflicted delusions.
*IMO, of course. If civil war does break out, Iraqis will inevitably be taking sides, and one of the sides will be known as the "brave Iraqi freedom fighters." Another will be known as either "the terrorists" or "Al Queda". Seems to match the modus operandi to me. Not sure what the Kurds will do.
The latter, if it happens soon enough, will push Ports World to the background somewhat. Cable news would shift its attention back to Iraq and the War of Terror, and away from domestic issues. As we all know, cable news is sadly where most American's perceptions are molded, and they only ever have time for one government related topic before the truly important stories of miners, missing brides, and pregnant women (oh my!) begin. Attention will once again be diverted.
So, to answer your initial question, seems many are going to do just that. Propaganda is a powerful tool, and I not only predict that Bush weathers the storm, but that he comes out higher in the polls, as unfortunate as that scenario may be.
Althouh, to be fair, if civil war does not break out or is not made to break out within this timeframe, I really have no idea how they will try to spin Ports World. Amazingly enough, there are a lot of ignorant souls out there who will continue to grovel. And the rest of us, well, perhaps they've consolidated enough power that they no longer feel they need heed our concerns.
Anyway you look at it, we are a doomed nation in a downward spiral.
"There ought to be limits to freedom."
Bush, 1999
He kept his word.
And yes, I am in a damn bitter and pessimistic mood. Felt good to rant. 