OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian presecutiion
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[quote]We live in a country where freedom of/from religion matters, jade. If you ever sat down and watched South Park, you would understand that absolutely nothing is sacred on that show. It's one of the things I love most about it. No one is free from ridicule - they are an equal opportunity offender. Because of this - i think it is one of the most honest commentaries on how ridiculous our society can be. [/quote] I'll second that. We all need to be a little more offensive and a lot less sensitive. I personally try to offend at least one person every day, just to keep in practice. ;) Jade, after reading through this thread, my sincere advice to you would be to learn to think for yourself. You may be under the impression that you are thinking independently, as I once thought not too long ago, but you are not. You are anchored. Anchored to a lifetime of forcefed propaganda and preconceptions, not just religious, but societal. Let it go. Trust me, it is the best thing you could ever do, and doing so does not invalidate your [i]faith [/i]in God. It will allow you to think outside the confines of your programming and will lead you down a path of discovery & personal growth you once thought impossible. Discovery and personal growth are not sin in the Catholic mandate are they? You may not have any idea what I am talking about, but, God willing, perhaps you will... one day. Carry on. Ram
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