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http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/05/09/060509170357.co8q6hyn.html http://cbs2chicago.com/seenon/local_story_128194148.html Just sending these sites to show how Christianized the World is becomming in regard to spirituality. Though many of you are not Chrisitan, you have to see its a force that of its own that even without evangilization cannot be contained or conquered. On another note: Recently, though I was skeptical regarding out of body experinces, I have had one.. it was in the dawn before waking up that I felt myself moving out of my body and felt my spirit next to myself. It was such a weird feeling leaving my body. It was my spirit I know and I was not afraid. I felt peacefull with it. I have been telling everybody about it since it was so real and profound. When I told my friend of this experience she had one as well about 10 years ago. While she was asleep with her husband, she felt herself get out of bed and could see herself leaving and saw herself going. She looked back and saw herself asleep and then preceeded to leave but she was enveloped in someones arms and she didn't experience real fear but could not look up at its face but saw feet next to hers. She proceeded to go thur walls with this entity as if floating and then came back to her body in bed... I do believe and she believes as well that it was her guardian angel who was with her. Also since then.. I have had visions where in the mist of conversations, I can see something happening without control. It controls when it comes. One was while conversing with my friends and my kitchen bar I saw 6 men in white as if they were naval outfits all looking the same and they were carrying a huge mahogany coffin in unisence and they all had the same faces and were smiling. It was so weird and then it was gone. The next one was as if I was in a crowded bus station and I was going towards some one who looked very happy to see me as if he were there to meet me. I can still remember his face features, and his stature and where he standing in front of a pole. Another one I had I saw fire burining and a cross appeared in front of the flames. As I am having these visions more often, my friend and I have contacted a person who is familiar and knowlegable in OBEs, etc..We are suppose to meet he in regard to education about why...This person told my friend that we are being sent these experiences for a reason and that by educating ourselves about them we will strengthen our knowledge to understand why and what the visions mean. Sort of like an antenna, when you position it better you will get a better connection. And this would require certain excersises to fine tune ourselves in being receptive to other visions. It is just so weird. May be topic for another thread but I was wondering if anyone as well could share if they have had one too.
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