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[quote]Which is all fine and dandy...as long as the institution in question (cult, if you will ) keeps its beliefs to itself, and does not try to force them on others. Members can consider themselves the Grand High Poobas of truth, and look down their noses at other, less unfortunate "beings" - and as long as they are keeping their beliefs to themselves, fine.[/quote] I heard it put like this and I agree with it. (Don't think I'm trying to force you to see it this way. Once I type this you can choose for yourself to agree or not. :)) What if almost all the people in the world had a deadly disease. They were dying left and right with no cure in site. Then one day a person found the cure. Would he want to hoard himself up and not speak about it, or would he want to share it with the whole world so they too could be saved from this disease? And likewise you can refuse the cure. But why would anyone who is dying refuse a cure that could save their life? This is why Christians tell you about Christ. We believe that sin is the disease that is going to kill you and send you to a burning hell and that Christ is the cure that can save you from this death. What if you saw someone about to walk out in front of a bus and you had time to warn them of the danger but you just sat back and watched them stroll out unknowingly into the traffic? I'm sure you would feel bad about it later. Most of us would anyway. By not telling our kids about Christ and raising them up the way we believe to us it's just like letting our 5 year old decide for it's self if it wants to look both ways before crossing the street. Are you going to do that? More than likely you are going to arm your child with the knowledge and understanding of this world to prepare it and then when it's time you have to let the child go and be a man or a woman. Even then you don't have to like what they become. If they go out and pull for the Braves when your team is the Dodgers then you'll have to deal with it. You can root for your own team anyway. Right in front of them if you want. I probably should have put a paragraph in this. [url=http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net][img]http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net/images/sigs/sig-april2.gif[/img][/url]
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