OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian presecutiion
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[quote]Jade: I believe this hit at Christianity is disgusting. How could this be allowed to air.[/quote] :rolleyes: You obviously did not watch the show or just totally missed the point of the show. I am guessing the former, which means you did not see the context in which the "offending" material was presented. There is always an underlying theme to South Park and it was not just some attempt to make a mockery of Christianity. IMO, this was one of the best South Park episodes ever because the main underlying theme was freedom of speech and the use of fear (terrorism) to undermine that freedom. Obviously you do not believe in this first amendment right. Instead, you want the government/network censors to protect you from things you have an intolerance toward. Well fuck that! People like you need to stop with the righteous indignation/oversensitivity bullshit. That is one of the biggest problems with our society today. If you cannot handle living in a society where we have this freedom (somewhat), why not do us all a favor and bury your head in the sand as a gesture of protest? :p *sigh* You just do not get it. The real issue is not that they had Jesus poop on Bush, but that they were not allowed to show Mohammed. That says a lot about the current hypocrisy of America. Land of the semi-free, home of the fearful pussies! [quote][b]DL: [/b]I'm sure the people being stabbed in their churches because of their religion would sympathize with the horrible persecution you are suffering at the hands of a latenight cartoon though[/quote] ROFL. [quote][b]Tao: [/b]The opposing factions? Liverpool and Man United supporters, carrying on an argument that started off in a bar hours earlier.[/quote] Crazy europeans and your soccer. ;) Ramasax
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