OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian presecutiion
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You're missing my point. To someone who does believe, they are not light years apart, they are the same. [quote]...other than a group or institution has decided to attempt to do so [b]against the will of those who do not wish to believe.[/b][/quote] You're just going to have to get used to this one my friend. Everyone gets things forced on them against their will. I still have to open the door, take the pamphlets, smile, shut the door and take the watchtowers to the trash. And did you hear about the new technology that will recognize a commercial and prevent you from turning the channel? Hows that for forcing something down someones throat? I can't imagine how they would sell it to an individual unless they didn't give them a choice. Wow choice. What a concept. Even though we can't always choose what our ears hear and our eyes see we can always choose if we apply that information or just discard it. [url=http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net][img]http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net/images/sigs/sig-april2.gif[/img][/url]
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