OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian presecutiion
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[quote]Everyone gets things forced on them against their will. I still have to open the door, take the pamphlets, smile, shut the door and take the watchtowers to the trash.[/quote] No, you don't have to open the door. You don't have to take the pamphlets. You don't have to smile. If you choose to do so, then as you said, you can throw the Watchtowers in the trash. Nothing was forced on you. Nothing. [quote]Even though we can't always choose what our ears hear and our eyes see we can always choose if we apply that information or just discard it.[/quote] Which completely contradicts your point that we must get used to things being forced on us. If you have the [b]choice[/b], then nothing was forced on you. You make the choice to turn the radio back on and listen to Walton and Johnson after they've offended you. And you do so knowing they will eventually offend you again. Your choice. To watch TV knowing that someone will eventually mention tolerance of homosexuality is your choice. If you want to avoid all of that, then stick to [url=http://www.tbn.org/]TBN[/url]. And when the day comes when the Jehovah's Witnesses rally together to remove any programming that teaches the Trinity, [b]then[/b] you can complain about something being forced on you. I find it sickening that you believe anyone has to accept things being forced on them. [url=http://www.wesleytreat.com/][img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_wtlogo_events_01.gif[/img][img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_events_01.php[/img][/url]
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