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Christian presecutiion
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Here's a solution to make everyone happy: First, If it takes or uses tax money, no religion. If it's religious in nature, no taxes. This way religion really has not right to meddle in government. No door to door solicitations, If the person is interested in your paticular belief, then they will come to you. No FCC, it is not the government's place to tell you and I what we can and cannot see or hear. If you do not like what is on cable television, then do not A)watch that paticular show/channel or B)don't get cable. Personal responsibilty is the only thing that should govern what is on TV. Normally networks will cancel show with low ratings. You can voice you opinions about content by simply not watching. Known Religious figureheads are not allowed to hold public office. period. People like Falwell & Robertson have a widely know religous agenda and therefore would be violating the constitution because they could not keep there religion and politics seperate. Jade, I sometimes cringe when I realize people like you live in my state. I don't give a rat's ass what you want to believe, but I will not consent and bend over to allow Religious Organizations and Beliefs take control of my State and Nation. There is a good reason why the Founding fathers made sure to seperate church and state. They might have been christian, but that is not a valid excuse to allow the Religious Right to control and dictate what this country sees. In England, the Anglican Church was the state religion. The Founding Fathers added the seperation of Church and State to make sure that the new government could not dictate what you practice. Your Religion is YOUR business, and don't try to push any of your religious beliefs on me. People like yourself complain about countries such as Iran, where a Ayatollahs control the nations government. You say that it is a evil country because religous extremist control it. How is that any different from allowing our government reference God as a justification of it's acts. For no other reason outside of violating the first amendment, the President and Congress should be removed from their offices. Ok, Im on a rant, but I cant help it. Onto the Soapbox again... Another thing, for centuries the only persecution going on was christians harassings others. Everytime I see your topic I get aggravated to no end. Christianity has morphed from the original idea of love thy neighbor and the golden rule to a religion of exclusion and hatred. Yet on the same note I do agree with you jade, I wholeheartedly think christians should be persecuted every once in awhile. If not for the sheer irony, but for the "Up Yours" to show you how it feels to truly be oppressed and have things forced on you that you don't like, but there isnt anything you can do about it. There I'm done. Sorry for the long rant. --- I suck at graphics, I suck like a black hole...
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