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Christian presecutiion
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[quote]Again you show your complete ignorance of history. The church is less powerful in the modern era than in any previous time[/quote] I wonder who the real ignorants are. It sure isn't me. The signs are upon you and your not seeing. Per Dr. Muqtedar Khan a Director of International Studies and Chair, Political Science Department at Adrian College in Michigan: [i]The rise of political Christianity, a coalition of white born again Christians, conservative Catholics, African Americans and Hispanics, is concerned with more than gay marriages and abortion rights. Political Christianity seeks to breach the wall of separation between the Church and State and wishes to make this country a Christian nation. America has been experiencing nativist Christian resurgence that is both self righteous and ?untraditional?. It is unwilling to compromise and is uncomfortable with enduring American traditions of religious tolerance, freedom of conscience, fundamental equality of all and appreciation for diversity. This nativism can be heard in the calls for restoring America?s moral values and in political works of scholars such as Sam Huntington who ask, ?Who are we?? or in the fears of Pat Buchanan who declares ?The Death of the West?. George W. Bush has returned to the White House on these nativist fears. He is probably convinced that God is firmly in his corner and his mission to ?save America? is indeed divine. He is going to charge into battle against dragons overseas and wrestle monsters at home. By George!, America will be born again, pure and Christian. On November 2nd political Christianity captured the White House, the Senate, the House in Congress and the Supreme Court. Bush is expected to appoint anywhere between 2-4 Supreme Court judges which already enjoys a 5-4 conservative edge. With every branch of the government under control ? effectively neutralizing the much-touted divisions of power in the American constitution ? political Christianity has taken American democracy hostage. It is time for American Muslims, American Jews, American Hindus and Buddhists, American Christians who are moderate, secular and liberal, to come together to form a moderate and pragmatic center, eschewing the aggressive anti-religiosity of the extreme left, respecting the religiosity of the right, to restore balance, and preserve American democracy and its traditionally balanced relationship with its first institution ? religion. [/i]
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