OZONE Asylum
3D sim of merging blackholes.
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:D:D:D:D......THANK YOU VERY MUCH for posting a link to this.....:D:D:D:D ( I?m A Black Hole Junky...and an Einstein Nut ) It?s Interesting... Is seems that (if I?m Interpreting this correctly)... that as they get closer... the waves of gravity seem to push...or collide with one another... And as they get closer the range of the gravity get larger and larger (as well as Stronger).... in till the mesh together... than that Large range and Strength just seem to dissipate and disappear... I wonder if its the "New Black Hole" Sucking the Gravity Back in.... actually I think that would be it since it other wise would be defying a Law of the universe? then a gain.. it is a black Hole?:cool: :eek:!*?Woops? thinking out loud*!:eek: Sorry 'Bout that... [sigrotate]----------------------------------------------------------------- Out of Insanity comes brilliance(Or was it the other way around?)|__________________________________________ Some people say im mean, but I actually have the heart of a sweet, little girl...In a jar... on my desk...|================================ I don't Suffer From Insanity .... I enjoy every moment|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There Is A Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity... I Have Erased this line| -----------___________---------__________------ "There is no surer sign of insanity than trying the same thing repeatedly expecting different results." -Albert Einstein |******@****** "Some people think Inside the Box... Some people think Outside the Box... But I Prefer.. to think out of my Mind" -INSANEdrive|[/sigrotate]
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