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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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WS: I didn't say that Korea don't concentrate on the first half, just that they are not usually as strong in the first half (or, as Jason put it, that other teams aren't as strong as Korea in the second half). I want to make this clear: it is not that they are not as solid mentally in the first half, just that it takes some time for them to get clicking on offense against stronger teams (and France is definitely a stronger team). Not concentrating in the first half against Switzerland would indeed be devastating. So I'm hoping they'll be on their game. What I'm mainly hoping for in the first half is no defensive breakdowns, because that seems to plague Korea quite a bit. I'll be interested to see who Advocaat plays on defense. If he puts Kim Sangsik in I will be angry. Not that anyone will care, but I just thought I'd let you know. :) As for more pressure in the first half against France, well, I can't argue with that. It would have been great, but France played quite a strong first half. I thought Korea played rather well, all things considered. Like I said before, most commentators here consider Korea lucky to have gotten out with a point, so your optimism and faith in Korea's abilities is heartening. Let's hope they don't let you down. Re: Ghana - All I can say is that I am glad Togo are not Ghana. And that I am going to be on the edge of my seat for the US-Ghana match. Anyone want to get together for an intense prayer meeting before the first whistle? :D Ian: Well, yeah, some of us like to travel a bit. :p But it's not a matter of going soft, it's a matter of being able to find a television in Japan at four o'clock in the morning. I'll have to do some scouting around if our inn doesn't have TV. Whatever the case, I will be here in spirit, if not in body (well, you know, my typing fingers). [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/sigs/suho_umbrella04.gif[/img] ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/4837]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5689]Sig Rotator[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/22173]the Fellowship of Sup[/url]
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