Well I say a taster, i'ts a clip of the man himself just having fun. Ronaldinho Master Class
Only another twelve days to go, I'm getting twitchy with anticipation. I should state here and now in case you haven't guessed already, I love Football. I don't actually have a TV myself, don't have much time, or money for them, so I will be going out to friends or family to watch the important games.
Some links World Cup Blog Fixtures
If I had the time I think I would travel over to Germany just to soak up the atmosphere from a couple of games. Anyone else getting all Man United (excited) about the glorious game?
From: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 05-26-2006 04:41
Foot Ball as in" Pig Skin"
Foot Ball as in "Soccer"
(NVM... "Soccer")
In 2007 ill Be Very twitchy.. But for a different reason...
And now for some Jokes to Help with your Anticipation (Just don?t do what that one rugby fan did? with his sack of... *Twich*?Moving on)
Q: What do you get if you see a Leeds United fan buried up to his neck in sand?
A: More sand.
Q: What is the difference between Bill Clinton and Man Utd striker Diego Forlan?
A: Clinton can score.
Q: Name three football clubs that contain swear words?
A: Arsenal, Scunthorpe and F*****g Man Utd.
Q: How many Evertonians does it take to change a light bulb?
A: As many as you like, but they'll never see the light.
Q: What's the difference between a Liverpool fan and a broken clock?
A: Even a broken clock is right twice a day!
A Bloke walks into a bric-a-brac shop and sees an ornamental brass rat, the sort of thing women of a certain age love to put on the mantlepiece. He thinks "that'll be perfect for his Mother's birthday", so he asks the shopkeeper how much it is.
"£25 for the rat, £100 for the story", replies the man.
"Forget the story" says the bloke, and so buys the rat for 25 quid. He walks off down the road, but has not gone 30 yards when a rat comes up from the gutter and starts to follow him. Soon more arrive, and in a few minutes the whole street is a sea of rats, all following the bloke, who keeps walking until he comes to a cliff. He throws the brass rat over, and millions of rats follow, one after each other, plunging to certain death. The bloke them runs back to shop.....
"Aaaah", says the shop keeper, "you'll be back for the story"
"Screw the story - do you have a brass man utd fan?"
There Is A Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity... I Have Erased this line
quote:I don't actually have a TV myself, don't have much time, or money for them, so I will be going out to friends or family to watch the important games.
It is a type of cockney rhyming slang kimson, well spotted WHich two teams are you supporting, I think from memory it is either Italy or Switzerland?
I'll be mostly supporting England and Ireland, Brazil, and perhaps Australia if Kewell is playing, and I may even support the USA as I like rank outsiders to do well
Thanks for the link HZR.
INSANEdrive those are some old jokes you have there, but I do like the Man Utd ones
Yeah, I'm excited too. I'll be supporting Korea, obviously, but there's no way they're going as far as they did last time. To be honest, I'll be psyched if they just make it out of group play. Maybe they can be this year's Senegal! Although I'll be happy if they can just squeak out of there in second place.
And I'll be supporting the U.S. as well. Rank outsiders? Not that FIFA rankings are everything, but they are at equal 5th right now, while England, just to pull an example out of thin air are in 10th. I'm just saying, is all.
Still, we all know how much weight rankings have when it comes to actually playing the game (and their recent friendlies results should prove that). But the U.S. didn't do too badly last time around, and they didn't even have home advantage. They're in somewhat of a tough group this year, with the Czech Republic and Italy, but we'll see how it goes.
Heh, I was just fishin' with the "rank outsiders" remark Suho but you guessed that I see I thought Jayyayson "The Monk of Funk" himself would be the first to bite but I think you are the early riser.
Korea, ah yes I remember they did quite well the last time and were unlucky not to go further. The more I look at the fixtures the "twitcher" I become. I think Angola v Portugal (SUNDAY 11 JUNE) , has the potential for an early classic and will Serbia & Montenegro v Holland be a stumble for the Dutch as Montenegro are seemingly on a high due to the recent bid for national independence, or will that cause a rift in the team giving Holland an easy day?
Ah Switzerland right, my memory's not that bad in the morning then =)
Whoa, I see your playing France on the 13th and against Suho's team, S Korea on Friday 23rd Looks like you've got a tough round to get through.
Thanks for that HZR. I decided to give it a whirl, bloody microstupid, nearly everytime I go to that site they ask me to download a verification tool. That must be the fourth or fifth verification tool I have downloaded from them. The first one (today) did not work which may or may not be because I'm using Firefox.
Aaaanyway, got it and this is what it looks like here. I'm putting up the screenshot as microsoft did not provide any visual clues themselves It looks OK I suppose, don't know if I'll keep it though, it uses up about 22.000k of memory when running. Still, cheers for that HZR.
I see Sweden are playing England on the 20th, lycka till!
I'm hoping for the kind of referee luck against Italy that Korea had in the last go (sorry, it was the skating celebration by Ahn, I quite loved the team up to that moment )
I'm cheering for Croatia, and France, and maybe a little for America. But more importantly, I'm cheering for whoever plays against England, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil.
Tao, yeah, I figured you were fishing, but I just couldn't help myself!
kimson: I'm afraid you and I are going to be at odds in group play, because Switzerland is really the key for Korea to advance (and vice versa, I would imagine). Unless France implodes like they did last time. That would be nice.
Jason: I can't say I disagree with you. I support Korea, but I hate Ahn. With a passion. In fact, "hate" is probably too mild a word. He is such a conceited, self-important punk it makes me sick (I doubt anyone else saw Korea's friendly with Bosnia last night (they managed a 2-0 win), but Ahn blew more chances than most teams see in a game.). I am so pissed he's on the squad this year. He does not deserve to be there. Not with class acts like Park Jisung, Lee Chunsoo, and Park Juyong. My wife is upset that Cha Duri didn't make the squad, but he didn't really do all that well this year. Still, he would have been a better pick than Ahn.
So, I sympathize. The skating celebration ceremony really pissed me off, too.
Hey guys, havent been around in a while but hey, it's the World Cup _
the safe money is on Brazil and i think Argentina could be there as well. Spain has a solid team and a fairly easy path to the second round, I think they'll do well. England is talented but the health of some key players is questionable, if they play well they have a shot though. Korea should be fun to watch after their amazing run in '02, and I'm curious to see how the US does. we are highly ranked but i don't think we've played particularly well recently, and we've looked outclassed in most of our matches against the better european teams. i think Holland and Portugal have potential to do well, and i'm interested to see how France plays after their last dismal performance.
I'm cheering for Croatia, and France, and maybe a little for America. But more importantly, I'm cheering for whoever plays against England, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil.
No sitting on the fence there then Dan
Fig, I've not tried playing fantasy football yet but I think I may try really hard to overcome my aversion to anything McDonald's and have a go.
WebShaman, I see that the US had a good result yesterday US bounce back with Venezuela win
Looking for clues to see how well the national teams are performing in the various friendly matches has not been as easy as I expected. I have yet to see one website that has managed to collate all the friendly games so far, I have had to get the odd result here and there.
I think these are the better sites that I have visited so far: BBC Sport Deutschland 2006 FIFA World Cup
Reading that account of the US win over Venezuela, I felt like I was reading an account of recent Korea's 2-0 win over Bosnia (with the exception that both of Korea's goals came in the second half). Korea also wasted numerous chances in front of the goal (as usual) and had the occasional defense breakdown that nearly led to disaster (as usual). Sounds like both of my teams are going to need to tighten up on both ends if they want to advance out of group play.
Frankly the friendlies are always friendlies, last minute checks of weird possibilities and fall back scenarios for the most part, and getting to know everyone. I generally don't put much stock in the last friendlies before a World Cup but the US hasn't looked bright at all against Morocco, Venezuela and Latvia and Ghana has been destroying teams. My optimism that we can make it out of the group is waning.
That said anything can happen right? Maybe the scandal in Italy shakes the team, the Czechs are having a lot f injury troubles... Ghana and the US go through
quote:I think that if America survives its group, they will have a very good chance to make it into the Semi-Finals
If the US makes it out of their group it'd likely be in the 2nd place position, they'd likely be facing Brasil immediately so semis are doubtful for the Group E 2nd place team!
HZR: You can open the ZIP file of the widget and check the source codes by yourself
My contribution to the Goal'06 widget is small. I've only made the CalendarEvents library ( which I rather like ) and the Scraper "library" ( which IMHO is not worth the label "library" in its current form ).
Beside that I'm not really fond of soccer, but I guess I'll have to watch a match or two.
quote: JKMabry said:
Fig! Figoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool(Edited by JKMabry on 05-31-2006 02:57)
that's actually a nickname of mine...and i'm buying his black portugal jersey just to have it
my only hope for the US is the injuries to the Czech team and the idea that Italy supposedly starts slow. their play against Latvia looked a LOT more creative than it has in recent months, so maybe we'll come alive for the tournament...who knows.
i'm going to have to avoid this place during the day as i'm trying to tivo the games and watch them at home in the evenings without knowing the score...
Man, I am just not sure about this World Cup. Korea got slaughtered this past weekend by Ghana, 3-1. Their defense is like a sieve. And worse, Ghana looks pretty capable! I haven't seen the US team in action lately, so I don't know how it's going to turn out, but my optimism is wearing thin. As for Korea, I'm just hoping they can get out of group play without three losses. There's no way they're making it to the round of 16 (and I've just got to get me some of whatever the Korean coach is smoking.... going on about how Korea is going to reproduce the 2002 results....).
I'll probably avoid this place during the day as well, but I don't know if I'll even be able to watch the US matches here. My only chance is the US military channel, but I'm not optimistic.
If you use bittorrent check out fbtz.com, every match will likely be capped and posted on public trackers, they'll have links. I believe they did every match of Euro 2004 and I've never seen a Champions League match missed.
I could dig out some Chinese streaming sites if required as well, I don't use them as I normally get skippy video and it drives me nuts
At last, the first game of this years World Cup is about to begin, Germany v Costa Rica. Then a few hours later, the other two teams in group A, Poland and Equador, play their match.
For a little extra interest I'm going to try to predict the results
Germany 3 Costa Rica 1
Poland 1 Equador 2
I think the chances of me being correct on the scores are slim.
That was a good opening game I thought, and not far off with my prediction too.
quote: JKMabry said:
I just had it spoiled by google's personalized homepage, they have what appears to be a live World Cup module stuffed in there today, bastardos!
Are you trying to avoid the results so you can watch the game later J? I've just looked at the Google homepage with the scores on it and I like that better than the Microsoft Soccer Scoreboard HZR pointed us to, the score on that still says Germany 0 Costa Rica 0!
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-10-2006 11:54
I must say, that the Germany vs Costa Rica game was....unsettling.
The German defence is very lacking. Offensively, things worked out very well for Germany, I think. But Lehmann is just...he is just not Kahn. I think that in the next couple of games for Germany, it will become apparent that they have a huge defensive problem. Perhaps Klinsmann will fix it. We shall see.
I was very surprised with the Poland vs Ecuador result! Although I did not see the game, that was really surprising to me. I am really looking forwards to Germany vs Ecuador. I think that will be the "real" litmus test for Germany in their group.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
I agree with your comments on Germany WS, things were looking a little shaky there for a while. I swear I saw Kahn grinning slightly when the 2nd Costa Rican goal went in.
England kick off in a couple of minutes so I'll give another prediction. England 0 Paraguay 4 Heh, nah, I betthatgot you going I really mean the other way around England 4 Paraguay 0
Come on England...
Paraguay NEVER wins by 4, conversely you'll NEVER see them give up 4 either
Good on England for not falling asleep or getting someone sent off
Germany is looking about as I expected, they need to get the home crowd thing going and ride that wave if they wanna go far, they just don't have the talent this time around. Germans always find a way to do something, it's almost a lock they perform better than I thin they can