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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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Thanks for the link, Ian. Jason's also provided me with some handy links to help me get started, so hopefully I'll be downloading some missed matches later on. I actually did watch the first half of the Portugal-Mexico match last night, and was suprised to find out this morning that there were no goals in the second half. Portugal came out of the gate like lightning, and then Mexico started clawing their way back into it. I was sure the second half was going to see more action. I guess there was a send off, though? I was also surprised to see a nil-nil draw between Holland and Argentina. That was definitely unexpected. And what happened to Michael sucks. When I read about it yesterday I just couldn't believe it. The poor guy deserves fantastic luck for the rest of his life! This will likely be my last post for at least a couple of days, as I've got to get a bunch of things done before we leave the house real early in the morning tomorrow. So have fun! I'll be with you in spirit. :) [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/sigs/suho_umbrella04.gif[/img] ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/4837]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5689]Sig Rotator[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/22173]the Fellowship of Sup[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2031]Suho1004[/url] on 06-22-2006 03:44)[/small]
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