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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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I'm just gutted. I was ready to pull for Ghana if they beat us and got out with Italy but after that display of poor sportsmanship (time wasting) in the second half I don't even have that option. They've lost my respect in that regard. The US needs to have a vacation, go buy and Italy shirt, go buy an Argentina or Holland jersey and kick around Germany and watch some matches. This is not the end of the world as the announcers on ESPN seem to think. Arena's head they say :D The US was outmatched physically or technically byt all three teams in this group. In some case, the Czechs, both physically and technically. They really were my last pick to come out of the group. I can say this now that I can longer root for them :) I think they did well to just show as well as they did against Italy and Ghana. We sometimes forget that there's another team in the equation when ours lose, the teams we played were some of the best of the 32. That said, the US is a winner by spirit, we find it hard to accept a loss and we'll shake things up I'm sure. I'm having a hard time figuring out the lacklustre showing of some of our players. I need to go back and watch these games again to determine if it was the players or the system. I think the players didn't step up. Dempsey was it. Dempsey played like an American every minute on the field. I did end up getting an ESPN feed myself Suho, didn't buffer at all the whole game. TVUPlayer, lots of good channels and peers. [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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