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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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[b]binary said[/b] [quote]"Those japanese awoke Godzillihno! Ronaldo is baaaaack! ".... I dont think this is true....if you noticed through out the game most of the players we trying to pass the ball to him...One thing abt the brazillian players is that they are like a family unit...and since this match was not that serious...they decided to let the boy shine coz he has been recieving lots of bad press.[/quote] While there may be some truth in that binary you miss the obvious. Ronaldo is the permanent striker, that's why they keep [i]"trying to pass the ball to him.."[/i] :rolleyes: I have to go walkabout again and I'm not sure how long for, so it is most unlikely I'll be able to post for a while. I'll only be able to hear the football matches on the radio till I get back :( [i]Happy, happy, joy, muckin' joy! [/i] [img]http://www.taohome.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/images/cryin.gif[/img] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4175]Tao[/url] on 06-23-2006 12:47)[/small]
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