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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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[quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] Portugal defeats Holland! [/quote] Now why should you be suprised. From the way the Ned started you could tell that they were in no hurry of playing. What i love watching is a team that takes the fight to its opponents not holding back and waiting for a lucky break. Imajin if the Ned had gone through and they met England..that would have been a very very boring match to watch My theory on what caused the match to be that ugly: The tackle on CRISTIANO RONALDO was the genesis of all this. Ouch that must have hurt and I truly believe that was so on purpose. If Ronaldo had stayed on the Ned's would have found it very very tough. I truly hope Ronalodo will be fit. coz him out , Deco out; England might be having a lucky break ~Sig coming soon~ [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2622]binary[/url] on 06-26-2006 08:19)[/small]
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