OZONE Asylum
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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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[quote] [b]JKMabry said:[/b] quote: It's the most popular children's sport going here for the last several years running. I've been playing for over 30 years, since I was 5 or 6, I had a lot of teammates and leagues to play in. Tons of kids play here, and more every year. [/quote] :rolleyes: do u guys have soccer Academies......do parents really consider soccer as a career/profession or is it just part of the child's physical education....what am trying to drive is that soccer is not taken as a serious sport by the US public.... and B4 the US soccer team can be a force to reckon with....soccer by its self in the US must rise from it current position and compete with the other sports such Baseball, Basket Ball,Football(not so soccer) and the rest. All the cup winning nations....soccer is the number one sport in their countries even POLITICIANS take a break...( can u picture BUSH watching a soccer match....i dont thnk SO) ~Sig coming soon~
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