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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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[b]FORZA ITALIA!!! Pessotto siamo con te![/b] Happiness. That was riveting. That was an absolutely fantastic final. After 45 the Azzuri were showing they'd played 120 minutes recently but true to form their spirit, tactics, determination, everything just came together to make it happen. The french couldn't take it. This is exactly what Italy needed right now with falling attendance in Serie A and the scandal crap going on. I hope justice prevails if proof is there, I think Juve is sunk but hopefully they don't crucify the sides on the periphery of this stuff just to look tough, the evidence agains Milan is not there from what I've been able to find. I hope Zidane is not remembered for the dark things he's done in his career, I'm certain he won't. He's an absolutely magical player, he'lltake his place alongside the greats of days gone by, and he deserves it. If anyone deserves a headbutt it's Materazzi :D Guy's a complete thug. I know he gave Zidane a nice little titty twister nipple tweak which ZZ walked away from, I'm sure whatever he said was deserving. Anyone that knows football knows to go at ZZ like this. Grosso's price has gone so so up over the course of this last month (yes, a month, 7 games, think of that before you slag a WC winner) he was absolutely fantastic. Cannavaro has no equal at the moment. Gattuso is a man noone wants to play against. great great stuff, the headbutt was jsut drama icing on my cake today. Thank you Zizou, that you ITaly! I rushed out to a game myself 15 minutes after the medal ceremony/presentation and I got 4 goals :D I don't wanna go to sleep, wonderful day :D [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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