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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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[quote] [b]Tao said:[/b] Yes respect is one of those things that used to be given, whereas nowadays it seems that people have to earn it. [/quote] This is how I operate, respect is given, not earned. With me you can only lose my respect. World would be a better place if we harkened back to a day where respect was a given. [quote] [b]RammStein said:[/b] why not have the pk's taken at the mid-line(much like hockey) .. the goalie can move out and challenge the player .. give the goalie more of a chance and changes the challenge that the players face .. I believe MLS in the states practices this in the early stages of the league.::. cEll .::. 513 [/quote] They did indeed do this, the taker started at the 35 yard line and had I believe 5 seconds to net it. The keep could of course come off his line at any time. The US Soccer fans hated it because it was a bastardization of the game. These "shootouts" were used to decide games because the marketing boys figured the American public couldn't handle ties. The outcry was such that shootouts are gone and ties are points shared like everywhere else on the planet. As for the method itself it allowed for more opportunities to display clever skills but it had it's problems too, most noteably the clock that ran 5 seconds and displayed to the hundredths of a second. Making sure the ball crossed the line with time left was a source of controversy. With the rule change to allow ties it became moot but I don't think it could equal the drama of penalties as a knockout game decider, and it's much easier to judge for the ref crew, less controversy. Shootouts, golden goals, silver goals, replays, they've been trying stuff for a hundred years and it always comes back to penalties if undecided after 2 full overtimes. That's the only thing that everyone seems to be able to accept as justice and logistically possible. All the same though, everyone still hates to see a big game or big tournament go down to penalties. I've accepted penalties fully and I love the opportunity it affords to either explode or implode as that deciding spot kick goes where it goes. [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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