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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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WS you old bandwagonner you, sad thing is you may be right in the end. Suho is right right now however. The manager's called out some players on their performance in public and that's always a risky move. Hopefully we can get past this and rally. You say you dunno much about the US team? They're not a fluke in 2002 and they've had a few runs since when they looked again like world beaters, you show your ignorance or hatred if you count them out at this point. I never like to see a coach airing the harsh trtuth at a press conference tho, that should be left for the locker room. I trust he knows his players beter than I do, if not in the end we'll have his head! :) I can't believe Togo is up on S Korea! Do they even have a coach? Pfitzer (sp?) left, have they replaced him? I lost track of that story. I'd like to see the Koreans do well again, they're always a fit and well drilled side if nothing else. GO KOREA [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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