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~World Cup~ I'm So Excited ~ Here's a taster
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Ok, a very interesting day of games! England did what it had to do - very nice! I think England is improving it's game. I wonder if they will have what it takes to beat Germany? Sweden did a Germany, and squeeked by Paruguay. It is looking more and more like it will be England and Sweden in that group, with England emerging as Group Winner. I predict that Ecuador will trounce Germany, 2 - 0. Ecuador is playing very well, indeed. Germany is...well, I think the game against Poland says it all - they are getting worse, not better. They barely managed to get a goal against Poland. Ecuador is leading that group, having played the very same opponents that Germany has. I think that is more than telling. However, Germany did win (and are through irregardless to the next level) and that means that they will be playing England, most probably. That will be an interesting match! (and the rivalry between those two soccer nations is legendary!). I will wait until the result of the Ecuador vs Germany game before I decide the England vs Germany game. I also believe that Ecuador will send Sweden home. However, we will have to wait until the result of the Ecuador vs Germany game before that becomes more probable or not. Argentina has shown the best form so far, no doubt about it. If it continues (god forbid they get even better! :eek: ), then look out! I want to see how they do against Holland before making any further predictions about them. Spain looks like it is in good form. Could very definitely be a contender, especially if they continue to improve. As much as I like the Aussies, Brazil will win easily. The main problem against Brazil is, is that they are [b]ALL[/b] good! :eek: So, if one or more are not performing, in comes some others. No other team has this much talent to choose from. I predict Brazil winning this WC as well, unless they decide that they really only came to Germany to drink German bier and visit the legal brothels ;) Brazil certainly has the talent and game to be WC again, if they really want it. The real question is, do they really want it? The next couple of days will conclude most of the winners and losers of the group matches. I am not looking forward to seeing US vs Italy :eek: I just hope the US boys try this time. Maybe even score. That would be nice. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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