Just to express a few ideas in a thread of theyre own:
I believe that fears or dreams tend to become true if we put weight on them.
I believe the Asylum is far from being dead: I saw Synax, Darkgarden, the Doc in the past weeks.
I believe the fear and buzz word should die instead.
I've seen a place with recent posts of Weadah and Michael.
Jeni showed up recently, and many others, Bugimus for one.
Emperor is still active at the gurusnetwork.
And most importantly, this place is still producing intelligent discussion and tons of informations, and it still is fun as well.
------------- I believe the quality of the Asylum still holds true, and eventhough some have switched from contributors to lurkers, they still are around, and have showed it.
I also believe I am a huge problem to some persons around, and I even know why. But I don't think those people could put the "why" in concrete words,
I think many tensions are overdone and based on feelings "difficult" to change. I don't believe "grow up" is a worthy, constructive way to adress issues of that kind.
I don't feel like giving up because I do believe I am also doing good to this place - and am enjoying some aspects.
I believe there are better communicational ways for all parties involved, and that as much of a pain in the rear as it seems, it really is time to lay it all out
and smoke an immense peacepipe.