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Would it not be time we put an end to the reign of Dumb & Dumber?
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I was very pleased, this morning, to read such sensible words spoken by a truly engaged artist, [url=http://www.nme.com/news/thom-yorke/23800]Thom Yorke[/url]. My favourite bit: [quote]He does not represent the views of British people. He does not represent the views of his foreign office and officials. He does not even represent the views of those in his cabinet. He cares too much about his relationship with Bush and Murdoch. This man is not fit to be our Prime Minister.[/quote] Although I do love my life in the UK, am well integrated and have many reasons to stay here, the situation does make me wonder whether my choice actually implies that I am supporting such outrageous behaviour from the Prime Minister. Therefore I [b]would [/b]consider going back to Switzerland if the political environment does not improve to a more responsible and sensible one. Here are a couple of links to make you feel sick: [url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=397106&in_page_id=1770]Proof that Blair is Bush's poodle[/url] ...and another article I actually read when it was published and thought it was meaningful and well written: [url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/newscomment.html?in_article_id=398584&in_page_id=1787]Only Blair will benefit from sucking up to Bush[/url] Now all this was very funny in the beginning, making fun out of Dumb & Dumber, but it is getting dangerous and out of control. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5434]kimson[/url] on 08-03-2006 15:22)[/small]
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