If it's true or not; it's definatly worth the watch. I personally think the official story is crap and that it was an inside job at some level. Also see Alex Jone's videos about Thermate.
I wonder how much it would cost to put together a documentary about the FIRST time the same terrorist group tried to blow up the same building?
...clearly it was an inside job both times...clinton must have been in on the first one.
After all, what sane person could imagine that wahhabi fanatics full of rage and hatred toward western civilization would fly planes into buildings without goverment backing?
Me too... came down with this nasty cold the other day. Blacknight, if you don't usually believe this stuff, I'd suggest you don't start now. That video pretty much reads like every other governmental conspiracy theory.
I suggest you -all- start thinking that what you *suspect* could be misinformation
certainly is to an extent.
I haven't watched the video yet, but I am recently getting informations,
through work, on many untold truths.
I wouldn't focus on proving 911 was a conspiracy, it doesn't even matter -in the end-
whatever the real cause, the underlying "root cause" is more interesting.
What we got here is the third world tired of western abuses, terrorism and extreme political claims
in northern Africa, the US landing there and crushing Iraq in the name of "justice" - and violating
human rights in all possible ways in the process (starting by -invading- Iraq, because it was
nothing short of an invasion, the good old "destroy and conquer" way like in the ancient Empires).
I am glad americans start to question that Bush guy.
I am sad a blowjob costed Clinton loads of bad press while Bush can foster slaughter, torture,
american totalitarism on petroil rich soil, all this while hardly knowing how to read - and going unpunished
- he is a criminal in regard to the chart of human rights, did everybody forget this piece of paper
was put together for a reason?
I am sad because this means, in the end, that the very notion of "power to the people"
and democracy is dying in the US, and it takes high quality video documentaries, stupid or not,
to finally get some to "wonder".
I am a big fan of maddox and his article is funny, but its an awful argument.
I saw a video about how bad loose change was, but all it had was personal attacks and claimed they had no evidence with no evidence or proof of their own.
He uses that stupid $20 bill as a reason to dismiss the theory, which lowers himself to the level of the guy who made it up. He also just mocks the maker's so that doesn't help his point.
He links to popular mechanics and states that the steel was only weakened, which makes sense. The concrete that the steel reinforces would crack if the steel expanded or contracted a lot. This does not explain the molten steel, or the fact that the structure's strength comes from the steel frame not the concrete. Its also doesn't explain the magnesium and sulfar found in on the steel in national parks as memorials indicating thermate.
In the end its a comedic article not a serious one, unfortunatly I'd say so many people took his word for it.
Download the body of footage yourselves (theres a torrent with about a hundred clips), look at WTC 7.
"I wouldn't focus on proving 911 was a conspiracy, it doesn't even matter -in the end-
whatever the real cause, the underlying "root cause" is more interesting."
It all matters full stop, regardless of which part is more interesting.
I'll get it when I am home, but what I said above and below still holds true and doesn't
contradict your views. Follow me here..
I quite agree with Hugh.
Still, I think the "conspiracy theory" is weak because..
..who needs "conspiracy" when blatant and obvious "(in)justice" manouvers are completely
approved and accepted by almost all US citizens? Why would the government try to "trick" with subtlety people it owns with cheap propaganda?
Would I be in theyre shoes, next time I want to bomb a country for the sake of "reviving" my own country's economy, 911 would not be needed, too expansive: I'd put 90% of the budget for such a project in the moto.... nothing more.
"The war for justice" - "Freedom for Iraqis" - or some other bullshit to give nationalists a thrill.
While you, and many others, are finally "starting to wonder if you're getting done",
years have passed, and the economic and politic impact of the war you're questionning
has already been felt worldwide.
Wether this is evidence or not, US citizens have -anyhow- been manipulated about the issue
and the desired benefits have already been earned from that war.
Hence my "doesn't matter" but I will make sure I understand your views fully later today.
..but the film is quite convincingwww.loosechange911.comps.: its over an hour so tkae some time to watch it it will make you think
I'll admit, I have seen bits and pieces of statements that seem convincing at first.
But this video itself is hardly convincing, and is presents a lot of unsubstantiated conjecutre and a fair dose of plain old falsehoods.
That the US government was in some way complicit in these attacks seems to me to be fairly probable. That they were orchestarted and executed as a government plot, I have seen absolutely nothing to convince me of, and nothing that supports it in any solid way.
As for maddox's page - yes, he makes it into something somewhat comical. Why? because it is comical. He states right away that will not go through a point by point, but links to pages that do. There have been countless sites debunking a great deal of the misinformation spread around by conspiracy nuts, which do a pretty thorough job of showing - via the facts - that the conjecture of the conspiracy nuts is wrong. So many of the "facts" in these conspiracy theories rest on mistaken information ("the wind was northwesterly, so the debris could not have been blown to the south" well...yes, it would have: a northwesterly wind blows *from* the northwest...) or pure assumption based on how they think an object would behave rather than on actual physics or simulations.
I'm more than happy to blame the government for as much as possible. But I simply have not been shown any actual facts to support the grand claims being made.
Let's focus on the real aspects of where the government failed us, by intentionally mishandling information or incompetently responding to threats rather than wasting time fabricating elaborate schemes that defy the facts.
quote: _Mauro said:
While you, and many others, are finally "starting to wonder if you're getting done",years have passed
I'm not sure what your perception is over there, but a *huge* portion of the population has rallied, railed, attacked and question the Bush administration from the start.
Yes, we have the midnless hordes who have been hell-bent on wiping out the 'towel heads' since the start, we have the hordes of people who's blind faith and misguided patriotism make them proudly wave their little plastic flags and condeming islam, feeling their country has never done any wrong and is on the side of god....etc....
But that is far from being the norm, and bush is hardly an accepted leader.
But that is far from being the norm, and bush is hardly an accepted leader.
It feels so good to read that.
I haven't read your whole post, for the sake of not overreacting on a tedious topic,
and will keep it for a more quiet time, but just wanted to make some things clear.
To a EU citizen, or almost, like me, a place like the Asylum is a glimpse at one
of the most interesting societies that emerged in the past centuries, and you're right, aside that, my perception
is limited to what the medias feed me.
The US having indeed a lead position on the world economy, we *all* wish it would be the best possible
lead, your leader is also our hopes and fears. Mostly fears so far.
The people that represent the US are not typical citizens, I hate the US government not the people that'd be crazy. I'd be the same with the UK.
Anyone seen any evidence other than a taped up house in reference to the terror threats recently/yesterday in the UK Airports? Even the reports use odd words like "allegedly".
A photo of one of the bombs? They probably have people ready to pin the blame on though.