OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Friendship, a rant, and the right time to say <f* off>
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...people get along well, or not. And friends matter. Relationships flow and die naturally, but those "feelings" we can't explain, to me, can be explained. As they are built on top of instinct. Eg. I am the center of my world. A nitpicky, utterly pompous bitchard for the bad sides, many other things for the good sides, and I -love- that guy. So I define my friends in terms of "what kind of priority they grant me". ...Some mentionned "having to take kid gloves with me", but the more I go, the more it looks like... A person can tell me "ok, we had plans together this we, but I just lost all motivation", and it will be fine. Turn that into excuse making and you get my instant special, single ticket to "blacklist county". A person can tell me "you're a total cunt" but has to explain in very simple words what makes him/her feel so. Etc. I am just, instinctively, and totally "bullshit proof", I like things and reactions that make sense, and the more I build my self confidence, the more I am inclined towards "firing and forgetting" bullshit makers, no matter what and no matter WHO. Thoughts? How do you deal with situations of that kind?
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