OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Friendship, a rant, and the right time to say <f* off>
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mauro, i gave you this advice once, and I'll do it again: the asylum is a board for webdesigners (mostly). if you really expect some sort of advice YOU NEED, go to a forum which is specialized into psychology stuff etc. i mean when i come to the asylum, i'm not really excited about your personality, life or friendship problems but more into something that really fits into this place. (this does NOT mean that i would not WANT to help you, but seriously...you have already posted things before where I was sure that it would be best just to shut up and don't say anything, simply because everything else would not have been fair criticism - it would have offended you in some way) people here will mostly share their own experiences and will judge you from their point of view. we are no psychologists, so chances are pretty high that you will be offended. not that it's anyones intent, but this just happens....as you (i'm sure) have already noticed. and honestly...if this is a problem between YOU and KIMSOM, then please PLEASE do yourself, kimson and us a favour and clear things outside of these walls. if my girlfriend or ex girlfriend starts complaining about me on a public board...well....nothing to add. so if i read your post and see an answer like blacknights one...hey i am not surprised. chance are pretty high that i would have written the same thing. I think your question "How do you deal with situations of that kind?" is pretty much answered in DmS' post. [url=http://www.thespacebetweenus.com]The Space Between Us[/url] | [url=http://lukas.grumet.at]My Blog: lukas.grumet.at[/url]
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