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Philosophy and other Silliness
Friendship, a rant, and the right time to say <f* off>
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I was merely "signing off of emotional rants", notice I didn't mention kimson personally. She took it personal. On her own. I merely posted that also as a "last and final personal rant" around here. Silly? More than asking, I was stating/witnessing something new to me, which works for me - I HAVE my answer and had it before. Notice this post is a month old or more? Notice I barely posted more than three sentences since then? I am keeping the talk code oriented since this single solitary post. @mas nobody forces you to read. And nobody allows blacknight, or you, to turn into vulgar cunts. At least not me. But -I understand- and understood before. Just had to "sign". Had to see, namely, if people like Kimson, or others, would take it personal, and react out of... being too sensitive over the issue? A test yeah. @DMS you couldn't feed your children if your own well being, earning, situation, weren't the top priorities. I didn't say one has to be his only priority, just said one has to be his TOP priority, as opposed to one living for the appreciation of others. @Kimson, I didn't mention YOU, but you went on a rampage and turned it personal. I don't want to sort this out, you're out on your own - and it's just perfectly fine, your single post above would be an excellent reason to not consider you the shade of a friend. The underlying reason is that your simpathy is fake: you're around this place, obviously reading a lot of what I post and throwing hissy fits and provocation from your first Asylum days - get over it. All in all, I am not being "pompous" or "emotional" but realitsticaly noticing I am winning and reaching all of my personal goals within a few weeks/months. And I've "dumped" quite a bunch of people, namely those prone to pouring bullshit about themselves, my being an ex, and theyre sisters, out of the blue. Only to replace them with new fascinating acquaintances. I've also been paying attention to how people can manipulate, and what they expect from me, in the same vein. ...all reasons why I've been making a lot less fuss since the above post, a loooot lesss. Just dhtml tips, a post about worms and Holy Grenades, and a couple of other things. Because I don't care anymore, and don't have the time to whine anymore, barely have the time to enjoy all I get to do and discover. ------------------------------------------------------------ <side note> this is the victory of a guy who strived like no one, and suddenly, all the pieces are getting together. Top consultant for PM again, travelling a lot, I make acquaintances on a daily basis, am still studying BUT reviewing an academic book about OpenGL already and preparing the sale of my diploma project... as an application for Philip Morris. Somebody said millions ahead? In addition, am moving to my dreamflat this month. And all the rest... the intensive sports now, basically, all the things I dreamt to do and didn't for a lifetime. And more. To quote "wego" or "dozen", "All the shade and shine of the sea... all were for me... in the kiss of the two worlds". The moment when dreams come true. [url=http://www.komplex.org/pcdemos.html]Dozen people[/url]
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